Ofthe Nature, nor ledge, Will as he is Goodnefs and Lobe it felf ; To Love Him and be rovedby him perfectly for ever, being Amantifneus &Amabilimiss in his Coodtiefs. 33. He that leaveth out any one of thefe Relations of God to man,' ( to be Our Owner, Ruler and Lover and End) leaveth out that which is Effential to Our God, as the word is Relatively ufed in the Precepts and Promifes of the HolyScripture. SECT: IV. OfGods Relations to the Creature and denominations ( thereupon ) in his Power, Knowledge and will. "36. ' 1 I-lc Three Divine Effential Principles, Related to the Creature, J_ ad extra are denominated , i. His omnipotence, z. His Om- nifcience. or Knowledge of them, 3, His volition and Love of them. He whods Potentiffimus, perfeEty Powerful inAlt, in Himfelf, is denominated That Gods Power it ln- Omnipotent , becaufe he can do all things ad extra which belong to finite,-Pia eft ipfa infini- power: -. á. And hewho is Intelleclus fe Intelligens ad intro, is denomi- ta Effentia, ispall doubt: But whether it may be nated Omnifcient or Knowistg all Creatures., from the exterior objeeis called Infinite, asrefpe- 3. And he who isYoluntas-feValens, or Amor fe "loans ad intro , is alto fling outward objeas,is difputed : And Come denominated willing of exterior things. prove the affirmative, by 37. But. ( by the way ) how the Creature is called exterior to God who afimGgoo Infinite áte Obieäs :is Effentially every whereand in all, and how God is not a Part of Univer- 43. 9.2. hath reafons too fal Being, and how Godand the Creature are no mare than God alone, is fubme to be here re- elfewhere . fomewhat explained, but tranfcendeth mans Underfianding to cited : One of them Vafq. ufeth in I. 76o. tomprehend,. q.. 25, d. 123. e. 2. 6 38. GodsTranfient Ads areof two forts: i. E eÉtivelyTranfent (as difp. roll. Vtd.opmiones Creation Regeneration,&c.) which docaufe fomewhat without. z, ob- Gabriel. Scati Tbomæ -- de ration nod,inis Om- jecbively onlyTranfient ; which caufe nothing, but fuppofe the Objec<i. nipotentinDivitve. 39. It is à dreadful thing to be oven.- bold , rafh and prefumptuous; in fpeaking and affertingany thing without clear proof, of, Gods Knowledge and will ;., efpecially toreduce them to all the Modes andMethods ofa man, even as to the order of his Ads : feeingwe are forced to confefs, that even DOrbellis t. d. 4o. in- ,Intelle£tion and Volition are fRoken ofGodwith exceeding great im ri- quit [ Licit in 'Dee non l? g g P ro P fit proprieHabites, eftta- ety, and mansAéts which are the priais figniftcatum, are further below men obi aligoid intelle- Gods, than a Worm is below a Man. Therefore were it not that the re- dune habitus, hidden: Portia .fumption of the Schools and Polemicalwriters, hath made that NeceJfary in nabia e¡t Habites ad as Defenfive, which elfewould not be fo, I fhould (carte dare tofay this i áu:a er little following: , el6bc p Virtue cegnitio Diving cum fem. 4.0. I. ThePower ofGod is denominatedRelatively Omnipotency in three per naneat,congrue ¡igna- infants toThree feveralObjeiìs: t. In the 'fiat infant, as to All things tor per madambabitas. which belong to Power : And fo God cando allthings, which are hencecal- led Poble. 2. In thefecond inftant, to All thingsmeet or Congruous to the DivineInteheEI tobe willed and done : And fo we fay, that God can do All that is "meet to be done, and nothing that is unmeet. 3, In the third infant (of reafon) as toAll things which he willeth to do : And fo we fay, thatGod; can dowhatfoever he will do. And fo Fallibility hath various fenfës. , ,ugid. Rom. quoit. a.q.3. 43: I I. Gods Intellelt isRelatively denominated Omnifcient, in refpel faith, know ode fieÉ to three fortsofObjelts alto in three infants : r. In the firfi infant he 'fore hisVelle ; but his knoweth all Paf,rbles, in his own Omnipotence Pc- to know things to be Praaical determined ad ponln, is but to know whatHe can do. epos, is after, as we muff 2 In the fecund Infant he, Knoweth all things as Congruous, eligible conceive of it. b g goad