Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and iieereeA- of qod, cc: Eternal Effence , muft be unable to folve fuch queftions as imply inch a comprehenfion : And it were well if mens experience of their utter inca- pacity to underhand fome inchCafes, would warn them more cauteloufly to meddle with others. 113. The stop doétrine is laid down by Rada in there Conclufions; I. Deus cognofcit alia á fe. 2. Cognofcit omnia perfeaiime. 3. Non cognofcit alia afe per reprafentatioisem b motionem gleam ipfa de fe faei- ant. 4. Creation/ non eft objec1um primarium 6" tmmediatum Dtviue cagnitianú. 5. Sed tale eft Divina effentia. 6. Dillinaam tamers alio- rum babes Cagnitionem. 7. Deus cognofcit creatures in faa effentia. S. Ca,gnofcit res in fe ipfis íl'' propriio earum nature's, fï fiat determinatlo cognitions exparte rei cognita. In all this it feemeth to me to be over- bold prefumption to conclude , s. That God .knoweth not the, Creature. immediately: And the reafon he giveth is as bold, quia tunc vilefceret Divinus intelleelus. None of this can be preved, though I prefume not to affert the contrary. Yet it feemeth to us that the Creature is id intelligibile in fe immediate, and that is is the perfeétion ofGod to know all that is intelligible, and not avilifying of him. As it is no vilifying of his Power tomake every thingas itis. The Creature no doubt is not the Primary intelligible objet : But whether it be not Immediately Intel- ligible in fe is thedoubt. . 2. Andit feemeth to me a prefumption to fay; that elfe the creature would move the Divine Intellefi, and that God as the objele moveth his own Intelledt as agent ; For Moving fignifieth caufïng, and there is in God ( fay all Divines) no gilts;and therefore noCaufing of them ; and fo no filch moving. 114. It is allo an agitated Controverfie with them, Whether it be GodsEffence de filch which the Creatures areReprefented and known in, or in his Knowledge it felf as Inch e They that are for the former fay, that the Creature is reprefented in the Divine Eifence before it is known (as in a glafs) becaufe the objelt is prefuppofed to the ads : faith cafetan, the Ruder ignorant fort thus imagine. The fecond opinion is thus delivered byRada, Res non continentur in Divina Efentia at prior eft cognitions nail & formaliter ; net ibi reprafentanuir mitt & diftincle. 2. Creatu- ra in Divina Effentin nonprises habent effe reprafentatum aïtre & forma- diter, quam intelliguntur. 3. Creatura (formaliter loquendo fecundusn quid aliquid dicitur formaliter intelligibile ) nonpries habet intelligibile quam intelligatur ; fed per intelleçtiónem habet primum effe altuale & formale, 6, propríum expreffùm 6, reprafentatum. And theirlmilitude is, that as mans mind dothnot prefuppofeferondnotions (Genus,fpecies,&e.) but make them, fo lothGod the Creature as intelligible intelligendo. r í 5. This leadeth them to anotherdoubt; Whether the Creatureshave fromEternity an effe reale diftinEt from. Gods Effence? Where Heroic: faith that they have atrue effe reale efentia, at non exiftentia, becaufe cmne pot ibile eft ens reale; & eft in genere, 6,c. Thus do men play with the notionsof their ownbrains. Scotus confuteth this by (even ar- guments, which is eafily done. 116. But their,neat doubt is greater, whether the creatures have from eternity au effe intelligibile & cognitum d iinat from Gods e fence ? What the effehognitum is, whether it be ens reale or rations or quid medium ?-seei"us is theAuthor of this notion of ofe cognitum as an effe formale proprium quid creatura habet diftint<tum ab effe fitt caufa ; in quo in Divino intelleo1u creatura ipre per intelleftionemproducuntur s e.g. Lapidem in effe cognito producit, ficut intelleclus nofterfecundas intenti- D ones Vafquez in I1T11lm..!{i 19. difp. 80. Prefcientia eft ipfa fubftantia Doi, Tex alias Cognitio eft creaturorum pojIbili- um; addito regeliiefolt?t rationir ad res uturiii quorum dicitur cientia: Ito ttt fi res future non of- fent;..Deo gulden! det.le,s prolcientia , fed non Jet- entire : dr fi, res future non effent, non effet in Deo liberaOolúntas, gum fgnifuateir cum filo reEpe- ítu libero -: effet tames Voluntar complacentie ipfa viz. efentia dioind cum refpotlu rationir necef? fario ad res poffibiles. sta er Ferrarienf. c. 75. Cajet. t. p. 3.14. art. gï Rad. li. rhontr. 29. am 2.pag.460. scor. in 2. (Li. q.r. lit.Hi, Hew. ( refor. Stoto. in r. 436. ) quodlib. 8. q. 9i dr q.4. 1 Q'a" 2. Sept. I. d. 36. Vid. Tb. waldenf. de on tiq. fid.l.i.e.8.eont.wiálef.