Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Ofthe Nature, IÇ,nov'ledge, Will tionesfacit, & ita rebusipfss effe cagnitum tribuit : nani ficut lapis wins per vifonem habet effe vifum,ita lapis cognitus per cognitionem effe cog_ nitum babes fed ut primum ejus effe, per quod effe formale habent Scot. T. d. 43. 1. D. e, d. Imo ofe rerumPo4ibile in effe cognito fundatur. Who can read fuch 29. 36. art. 3. p t. asRad.4a 66 t. 1 Cont. p refum p tuous affertions of the unknown mode of Divine IntelleEtion . without dread'. And what adance andPhew is here made of meer words, while a Creature that is no Creature, is faid to have an effe which is no effe (of them) and fo confeffed t' For ( thoughcajetan and others miflook yid. Rad. ibà : him, ) Scotus confeffeth that this effe cognituni on eft ens reale, nec me diem inter ens reale rations, fed eft ens rations ?arum,' ¿ omnino nihil, contra ens reale diftinolam, ita, quad nullateiouc aliquid realitatisha- scot. r. d. 36. I. io. bet. And is not here then a prefumptuous play with words Scotus thus ¿it. G. explaineth it. If Cæfar were annihilated, and the fiatue of him remained, Cæfar would have an Effe reprefentatum in. the ftame, which is neither ad. ubiPPP's. 467V an effe e f fentie vel exifienthe total or partial. And faith Rada, Ex his manifefte colligitur effe cognition Creatura in Deo fecundum Stature; effe omnino nihil, prout nihil opponitur enti reali five effentia five exiftentie, 6- no magis effe nihil chimeram guani hominem in iffe cognito, quia utriq; ineft negatio totius éntrs. And indeed the effe repre,'enta- tram Cefaris is nothing but the modus(tatua, which per modem figni is apt to bring the fhape of Cæfar to the beholders. imagination. And r. Can they prove any fuch Modifications of God t' a. And if they can, fhould they fo abufe words as to call that modus Iratellefíus Divini; an effe primum formale creatura diflinét from God t The fum of the 4681 Scotifis opinion is thus expreffed by Rada Effe,iognitum creatura eft ens Rations, folum habens effe in intelleclu Divino objeftivè, Put fecun- da intentions in intelleclis -creato fed res in effe Cognita non- eft oh- jettum motivar fed terminativum fecundarium. r. As if God had any objeclern motivum ! a. Or as if we poor mortals knew that God hash' entia Rations ! Though- we confefs that we may fo fpeak of him after the mannerof mens if we confefs thegreat improprietyof the fpeech. a 17. From hence arifeth another Controverfie, Whether to Gods un derftandirig the Creatures, there be neceflàrily pre- required in him diftint relations to the objeétst which I will not troubleyou with their agitati -_ onof. Ya8. But the great Controverfie is of the Divine Idea's; efpecially whetherthe creatureas in Effe cognitobea Devine Idea ? Aquinas denyeth * Aq. t. p. q.15. art. i. it, * and faith that an Idea is the Divine Effence as imitable by the crea- I- sot. 1.d.35.q.anica.6, ture. Scotus, Gabr. Ockam,Gerfan, be. affirm it. Aquinas his opinion. 36 Gab". d. 35. q 5 is thus opened by cajetan, Rada and others, r. Idea non fignificat fölum Gerfon 1. vie. fpir. anzmæ. Lett.2. Card. 12. fundamentum imitabilitatis. 2. Nec tantum refpettum imitabilitatis. See in Penna. 1. 3. c. 9. 3 Sed utrumque. 4. Efentia Divina cognita ut imitabilis á Creatura p. 114. &c. she four I- per modem- 'exem laris eft Idea, In Deo eft idearum multitudo. f4rent opinions about I- p 5 J" den's, and the doubtful- 6. Multitude idearumin Deo non eft multitudo rerum reipfa inter fe, V' nefs of them. ab effentia dfintïarum. 7. Nec multitudo rationem formalism, five re rum formaliter d f inFtarum. 8. Sod eft multitudo rationem intelleita- rum. 9. Non dfinguuntur razione per aduni intelleftus.creati. ide- arum multitudo eft multitudo rationem a Des intelleftarum. 'Auant..t.e. t. 83. q. 159. The Scotifts think Auguftine of their mind, and give us their 46. scot. 1. d. 35. q. uni- fence in thefe conclufions, of Rada, r. Ideas, hoc eft, rationes in mente Di- ca. Rada t. r. cont. 29 vira collocates tam Greci quam Latini'tradiderunt. a. Idea non of Di- 5 p4970 49 erc vina effentia Jécundum fe b abfolute fumpta. 3. Non eft quid aggre- gation ex ef]èntia & refpette imitabilitatis. 4. Non includit in fun ra -. tione refpettum rations nee.tacaquam aligisid fabi efentiale, net Casoquám modem