theirfeverad partì to a Ghri,/iiáii:r òrssforta 13 fo rewardeth evil for good, evil that' not depart from his houle r Con- fciencewill rebuke him that rewardeth»evil to him that deferved it not Pfal. 7.4. Thebetter any man is, the more he is for Janice, and abhor- red) the unjuft, ( and Alexander Severur, and Anto,si»e , and fuch Jul{ Ponces andJudges, are honoured by all Subjects and Hiftorians. ) And . As all Power is ofGod ,- and Rulers are but his Officers, (Roy» r 3.4s 6.) fo their Righteous Government is but the inferiour part of Gods own Government, ( as the King governeth by his Judges and Juftices ) : And therefore it is God that Rewardeth and Punilheth by them. And in- deedby the fame reafon that men deny a Reward to duty ( the faulti- nefs being pardoned throughChrift ) they would inferr, that there is no Punifhment forfin : But God faith, Ifa. 3.10, ri. Say to the Righteous It (hall be well with him, and fay to the wicked It fhall be ill with him. Hewill plentifully reward the proud doers, Pfal. 31. 23. Yea, they re- ward evil to themfelves, Ifs. 3.9. 6. Hounds is Gods Image, and the product of the Holy Ghat; and theDevil andMalignants labour to difhonour it : And contrarilyGod ho- noureth it, and by his Rewards will honour it openly before the world ; .Matth. 6. 4, 6. And Chrift will come in glory to be glorified in hisSaints; and admired in all them that believe, even becaufe they have believed; zTheff.1.6,7,8,9,1o,11. 7. God will Govern man according to mans nature andcapacity; elfe what needofScripture, Miniftry, &c. And man is naturally a Lover of himfelf, and God will make himknow that he path noneed of him, bue it is himfelf that 1113.11 be thegainer if he obey, and the lofer if he fin : even to Coin after his firft finGod faith, If thou do well, fhalt thou not be accepted but if thou do evil, fin lyeth at the door. Man is an Intel- lectual and freeagent : and therefore God will fer before him life and death, good and evil, Dent. 3o. 15. and whether they will hear or not hear; he will fend his word, Ezek. 2. 5. and they `than be told of fuchMotives as fhould fuffice to prevail with men of reafon. 8. Man hath many and great Temptations toovercome; And as they work morally toward his deceit and ruine, fo God will fuitably give him fuchMoral motives as are fitteft to move him to refft them: And there- fore he will offer man fo full and fore and glorious a Reward, as is fit to difgrace all the offers of the Devil , and will make men know that his Rewards are fuch, as no pleafure or profit of fin fhould ftand inany com- petition with. Yea, he himfelf who is God Allfufficient will be our ex- ceeding great Reward, Gen. 15.1 No wonder if Mofes ( like other be lievers) defpifed the honours ofPharaoh'sCourt) and chofe rather to fuf- fer affliction with the people ofGod than to enjoy the pleaftires offin for a feafon, becaufe he had refpeét to the recompence of reward, Heb. 11. 2.5, 26. And Paul went towards death rejoycing in thefe hopes, that hiving fought a good fight, and finifhed his courfe, henceforth aCrown ofRighteoufnefs was laid up for him by God the RighteousJudge, z Tim. 4. 8. who is not unrighteous to forget his fervants work and labour of Love. And all believers are therefore ftedfaft and unmoveable, alwaye3 abounding in tl-e work of the Lord, as knowing that their labour is not invain in theLord, r Cor. r5. 58. And they work out their faliration with fear and trembling, laying up a treafure in Heaven, Math. 6. 2.o. `and laying up a good foundation for the time to come, and ,preffng forward for the prize, Phil. 3. 8, ga and laying hold upon eternal life.