Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

their fèveral parts to a Ch'r an Ganiforró 23j P. r. That they are Gods Gifts we doubt not : But are not Faiths Love and Obedience alto the As of-man by that Grace which is the gift of God C Lib. res, they are mans as s butit is Godthat worketh them in as. P. And tell me if you can, 1. Why God cannot Reward those ac-ts which are done by his own Grace r Cannot God make the Promi(e of a Reward to be a fit Moral Means for his.Spirit to work by r Nay, dothnot the fcope of theScripture tell you that he loth fo r 2. Isthere everthe lefsworthinefs in it, becaufèGod caufeth itr Tell me without filling, Isan honeft manno more worthyof a Princes favour than. aThief If you are no more worthy of liberty, andprotection, and life,. than Atheifts and Rebels, why doyou call men Perfecutors for Ming you: as if you were fuch t Why call you men Malignants for hating, de- riding and oppofing godly men, ifthey deferveno better than. the worft t' Lib. They defervebetterfrom men, but not fromGod. P. Do you deny Rulers to be Gods Officers, and that. they are to make this difference by his appointment, and therefore it is done by Gode 3. But without thifting tellme, Dothnot every good abtion or inclination defervepraif fromGod andman; Doth itnot deferve tobe accoúnted and called juft as it is r Lib. All our Righteoufne f fes are as menftruous rags: andwhat praife then do they deferve ? Can that defervepraife, xs hick deferveth Hell? P.t. Come on then, let Confcience beawhile unmuzzled : Why do you fo much praife thofe of your own Church or Opinion ± Why praife you fo muchthe Minifters andpeople that are of your way e Why do you make a difference between them and fuch as are againft you e z. Why do you fo aggravate the finof thofe that vilifie, deride and perfecute you Why call you the Saints, theprecious ones on earth, Gods treafute andpeculiar peopler 3. Whywere you lately fo angrywith the Ecctefiallical Politici- an, the Debate-maker , and other fuch Books, which vilifie men whom you and I have better thoughts of, if they deferve no more praife than the vileft men r 4. Why were you fo angry lately when you heard of one that reproached you r and fo pleafed with one that proclaimed your wifdom andgoodnefs, and tookyour part 5. And if good a&tions deferve not praife from God himfelf, why doth he praife them fo greatly in his Word r: Why will he fay before all the world, Well done good and faithful fervantt &c. I. Dare you call God Ignorant Legalifl ? or charge him with miflakes e 2. Doch not every thing and perfon deferve to be thought and called juft as it is r Elf; lying or !Renee mull be the virtue , and Truth theVice. 3. Is there no more good in a Saint than in a Devil r If there be, doth it not deferve tobe called juft as it is r 4. May not he who deferveth Hell by the Lawof Works or Innocency, be yet Morally fit for, that is, worthy of Heaven, according to the Lawof Grace; which pardoneth hisfins, and freely giveth himChrift and Life ? 5. Doth not God praif hisServants more than the Devil or wicked men do r And will you not pleafe the Devil andMalignants,to tell them thecontrary,: And is it not themark of a juft man, that avile perfon is contemned inhis eyes, but he honoureth them that fear theLord, Pfal. 15. 4. Doth not God him- felf praifeAbel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Mofes, 7ofbua, David, 7°6, &c. Wrangle not againft theunrefiftible Light. Out light mutt fo thinebefore men, that they may fee our good works, and glorifie our heavenly Fathers Matth. 5. 16. Chrift will come at loft to be glorified in hisSaints, and admired in all them that do believe, becaufe theGofpel was believed by them, a Thef. t. o, t t. Noman hath feen God at any time in his Ef- Hh 2 fence;