Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

236 . Ofimputed `1Zight.OfFaithjufiif.andMans duty : fence; but wefee him here in a-glafs ; and that is, in his Works and Image in which it is that his glory thineth :,fay that Gods Works and holyImage arenot worthy (or Morally fit) to be praifed, is to deny God his praife andglory on earth : He that defpifeth you , defpileth me ( faith Chrift) and confequently him thatfens me, Luke o. to. Lib. Faith, Love, Holinefs, Obedience, Patience are worthy that God fhould be praifedfor them, but notMan : for they are worthy as Gods works, but not as ours. P. a. They arenone of our works as the chiefagents, but only fecond caufes under God : And are not fecond caufestobepraifed in their places and degree ? Will you not praifeSun and Moon andStars, and all Gods works, that he may be praifed for them ? Do you not praife a good Servant, a good Horfe or Dog, a good Houle or Land ? yea, and your Friend or Teacher ? Doyou not praife your own party, when you fay that they are wifer and better than others a. Believe and regard theWord ofGod, Do none of thefe Texts fol- lowing fpeak ofPraife as due tomen, in fubordination toGod ? Deut. 26. 18, 19. TheLord hath avouched thee thisday to be his peculiar people, and to make thee high aboveall Nations, inPraife,and in Name, and in Honour, and that thou maift be an holy people to the Lord .thy God. Prov. 27. 2x. As is the fining pot for Silver, and the furnace forGold, fo is a man to his praife. Ifa. 62. 7. Give -rim no reft till hemake jerufa- lem a praife in the earth. Zeph. 3. 19, 20. I will get them praife in eve- ry land, &t. I will make you a name and a praife among all people of the earth. Rom. 2. 29. Whole praife is not of men, but of God. john 12. 43. They loved the praife of men more than the praife of God. 1 Cor. 4. 5. Then (hall every man have praife ofGod. 2 Cnr. 8. IS. The brother whole praife is in the Gofpel, arc. Phil. 4.8. If there be any praife, think of thefe things. I Pet. 2. 14. Governours are fent by him for the praife of them that do well. See Prov. 27.2. d' 28.4. 6. 31. 3o, 3r. I Cor. I1.2. Prov. 29. 23. Honour fhall uphold the humble in fpirit. d' 21. 2r. He findeth life, righteoufnefs and honour. Pfal. 1,49.4, This honour have all his Saints. Prov. 3.16. &4.8. 6, 8. IS. er 15. 33. & 20. 3. &2z.4. Ecelef. IO. I. 70bn 5.44. Rom. z. 7, 10. They that by well doing, Peek for glory, and honour, and immortality, eternal life: Glory, honour and peace to every man that workethgood. &9.21. & 12. I e. & 13.7. I Tim. 5.17. The Eldersthat rule well are account- ed worthyof honour. 6 i Tim. 6. 1. I Sam. 2. 30. Them that ho- nour me, 'I will honour. Pfal. 91.15. john I z. 26. Ifanyman ferve me, himwill myFather honour. I Pet. 2..17. Prov. 13.18. Do you believe and regard no one of all thefe wordsof God? Lib. Igrant that God willpraife the good , but not betasfe we are worthy of it. P. I. Have I told you that he himfelf calleth his fervants worthy? and will you contradilt Gods Word? 2. Dare you yet deny any thing to be worthy to be called what it indeed is? Is not a Chriftian worthy to be called a Chriftian e and a lober manto be called a lober man, and an ho- neft man to be called an honeft man "? Mull humility make us lyars ? Tell me, Are you worthy your felt to be accounted andcalled an Infidel, a Heathen, an Apoftate, a Heretick, a wicked ungodly man, that never repented, nor did good Lib. That were to lye or Hander, to call one what he u -not. P. Areyounot worthy then to be called contrarily,that is, what you are Lib. I ought Jo to be called, but not for my worthinefi. P.Muff