their feveralparts to a Chriflians Comfort. 237 P. Mutt God and man account you fuch as you are not fit or worthy to be accounted c And will you go on to accufe and contradiét Gods Word Your fancy bath lot forre harfh conceit of the fenfe of the word [ worthy] and that cometh í1i11 into your mind, as if it meant a worthinefs which fuppofed not that all that we have is of mercy and grace: when the Scripture meaneth no loch worthinefs, but fuch as is that ofa loving,dutiful,thankful Child,ofthe inheritance ; Amoral fimefs. Lib. well, fuppofe that our aftions and we are worthy of Praife, that is, to be called as they are; yet they are worthy alfo ofdifpraife, that u, Is be accounted as menflruous rags, defiled with fn, and deferving Hell.: and is not this a pittiful praife? P.f$id youever hearus deny any of thiseWby talk you of thatwhich we are all agreed in r But z. It is not holinefs, bathe faulty imperfeäions of it, and thefin that is contrary to it, which deferveth Hell. z. And the faultsof fincere believers defervenot Hell according to the Law of Grace, by which we are to be judged, fo as to be lyableto it, but only fo as to he accocnted condemnable, had we notbeen pardoned. Lib. But if our faith and .holinefs defervefome praife, what's that to the defervingoffalvation? òr being worthy ofHeaven? P. All thefe words your oMtinacy hathput me to ufe, to convince you that Faith and Holinefs isworthy of any thing at all, and that the word [ worthy] whichGod himfelf ufeth of them, is not abufed byGod, nor falfe. But what it is that God will account the righteous worthy of, the Scripture muffdetermine ; whereI have (hewed you before that the words are plain. They are counted worthy of God, z Thelf, z. iz. and of his Kingdom, z Theff. z.5. Worthyto obtain that world,, and the refurre&ion, Luke áo. 35. They fhall walk with Chrift inwhite, for they are worthy: Lib. still Igrant it in the Scripture fenfe, but not in yours. P. To end this tedious talk with one that feemeth loth to underfland, fayYea or Nay to chele two queftions. z. Do you allowof the ufe of the word [worth)] ? Lib: res : becaufe it is in Scripture. P. z. Do you deny it to be true in the fenfe T have opened, that is that we have that worebinefs which is nothing but a Moral aptitudefor that promifed Reward, whichas to the worth of it is but Gods free gift, meri- ted for us by Chrift, and is onlyaFathers Reward as to the ordering of it as our Governour, even aReward ofgrateful Children. Lib: No: I cannot deny this fenfe to be found. P. Then you grant both Name and Thing : And are not you afhamed then to have fo long traduced andreviled fuch as hold and fay but that which you are forced to jùftifie t' and to make poor fouls believe that works are cryed up, andChrift is injured, andmens falvation hazardedby it, whenyet you confefs that all is true, in wordand fenfe. Lib. But when the Paps abufe fach phrafes to error, thotighthe Seri= pture ufe them, we muff doit fparingly andwith caution. P. 1. But is that a good reafon for you to revile thofethat ufe them in the Scripture fenfe? z. And if you will forfäke Scripture words as oft as men mifufe them, it will be in the powerof any Hereticks to drive you from all Scripture phrafe, by abufing all; 3; And how can you more ef- feulually promote Popery, than by forfakihg Scripture language, and leav- ing it to their poffeffion and ufe t Will not men think then, that theScri- pture fenfe is líker to be with them, thanwithyou c Were it not better for you to holdto theWord of God, and only deteft and difclaim mens ill expofitions of it c CHAP,