238 OfimputedRight.Of Faith,1u /iif,andMans duty : CHAP. III. Whether our own Righteoufnefs be any way neceffary and conducible to ourYuflifrcation before God? Orwhether we are any wayjuflifedbyir? and how far ? Lib. IOW ifI grant you that falvation is the Reward of our own JD faith and holinefs, I (hallnever grant you that we are'Righte- eus by it beforeGod, or that it is any part of that Righteoufnefs by which we are juf ified : for that is only the Righteoufnefr ofChrili. P. I hope you are not willing to wrangle about words not underftood. ,9"efß, I. Do you think thatthewords [Righteous, Righteoufnefs and yu- fliication ] havebut one fenfe in Scriptures, and in our common lifeY Lib. ive : you provedmore before. P. Qtell. a. If the Devil, or Men, or a miflaking Confcience, fhould fay that you ( or any Saint ) is anInfidel, or hathno faith, howmuff you be juftified againft that charger Lib. Bydenying it, and by maintaining that I do believe. P. Very good: Then faith it felf as faith cloth fo far juftifie you. And Quill. 3. If you bechargétl to be Impenitent and never to have tru. lyRepented, how muff you be ;unified againft that charge r Lib. By denying it,' andaverring that I did Repent. P. So then, your Repentance it (elf muff fo far juflifie you. And Qaefl. 4. If you are charged tohave been an ungodly perfon to the Idle; or not to, have loved Cod,or your neighbour, not to have called onGod, nor confeffed Chrift before men, nor to have fed, clothed and vìfited him (as you could) in his members, or not to have mortifiedyour flefhly lulls, but to have lived after the flefh, in murder, theft, whoredom, drunkennefs, &e. What is your righteoufnefs againft this accufation r Lib. I mull defendmy Pelfagainfi a lye by denying it to be true : I mull be fofarjiillified, thatis, vindicatedagainfl Calumny by my innocency in ¡bore pants. P. Very good : fo far then youmuff be juftifiedby your godlinefs,love, obedience, mortification, innocency and works. And what if you be charged as anHypocrite to have doneall that you did in meer diffimulation, how muff you be therein juftifiedr Lib. By denying the charge, andappeal toGod that lwas fncere. P. So then, your fincerity is fo far your juflifying rtghteoufnefs. And what if you are charged with Apoftafie, that you fell fromGrace,mull you not be juftified by pleading your Perfeverance r Lib.' Theft are none of the Juflification which the Scripture fpeaketh of : which is only againft true accufations, andnot againfl fan ones. P. Say you for What if one be truly accufed, that he hath no part in Chrifl r and that his fin is unpardoned r or that he is under the guilt of damnation by the obligationboth of the Old Covenant and the New r or that he never truly repented or believed r or that he is unfanEtified, and neverfincerely obeyedChrift, &c. Is this man juftifiable t Lib: No : I fay act that all men are jufiifyable : But who ever ú Juffified in Scripture feufe, is juflifted onlyfrom a true Accufation. P. What is that true Accufationr Lib. Thar