Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

24° Of ivputed i ht.0fFaith8uflif.and Mans duty ment, verf. 36. And lames fpeaketh of that which men are faved by verf 14. and that Juftification which Abraham had, and that in an in- fiance where Man did not juftifie him, and of that which was faiths life and perfeaion, verf. ty, 22. and of Gods imputing faith for righte- oufnefs, as to a friendof God, verf. z3.. And is this nothing but Juftifi- cation before men t . Lib. This is not the juflrfying of the man, but of.his faith ? P. t. You contradict theText which faith [ Abraham, Rehab, Aman is juflified byworks]. 2. You contradictyour felf ; For if thefaith bejufti- fied, the man is jut ifred to be a true believer : For how could à man that fulfilled the Law, as Chrift ( and Angels ) did, be juftified, but by juftifying his actions And how can he that fulfilleth the Gofpel condi- tions, be juftified in that point, but by juftifying that he fulfilled them Lib. At leafs 1 may fay, that this is not the great and notable uflifr- cation, which is only by Chr fsRighteoufnefs. P. We are not contending for its preheminence, but its truth and ne= ceflity in a fubordinate place. Indeed we have one 1uftification by our Judges fentence, which hath many parts and caufes: God as Donor is one caufe, and God as Judge another ; And Chrift as meriting is the on- . ly meritorious caufe of. the juftifying Gift andCovenant, and Chrift asIn terceffor another caufe, and Chrift as Judge another; And our Righte- oufnefs as it is our Right to Impunity and life another, and our faith and Repentance are conditions : All this is fure. Lib. But the 7uflifrcation by faith is our ilniverfal yuftiftcation ; and that can be only bythrifts Righteosifnefr : And we are not to mill to a Righteoufnefs mixt of ehrifis and ours; nor doth thrifts Righteoufnefs need tobe pascht up with our menftruous rags. P. t No queftion but ChrifisRighteoufnefs is perfect, and oursimper feet, and ours is no patch or fupplement to Chrifts He is not made righteous by our righteoufnefs, but we byhis. z. But that whichis perfect in him, is not made perfectly ours; nor formally ours in it Pelf, as diftindfrom its merited fleas. It is not ours as it is Ghri/ts. Chrift that is our Righteoufnefs, is alto made ofGod to us wifdom and.fanCtification: And will you fay therefore, that we are not to be wife or Holy, by any wifdom or Holinefs of our own , for fear of adding our patch to Chrifts? 3, You ufe to fay that Chrifts Righteoufnefs is ours as Adams fin to ours ; and fay fome, asAdams Righteoufnefs would have been,hadhe per- fevered. But r. Adams Righteoufnefs would have indeed made an Infant initially juts by propagation, that is, the innocent Child of an innocent Parent : But as loon as thatInfant had the ufe ofReafon and Choice, he Mutt alto have a Righteoufnefs of his own, or perifh : And this is nopatch to Adams righteoufnefs. And indeed in his Infancy he mult have a fe- minafHolìnefsof hisown to juftifie him, as well as the relationof aSon of Adam. 2. Soalto, though we are guilty ofAdams finby propagation, yet We have with that guilt, r . An inherent pravityof our own, 2. And at ageour actual fin : And bothchele are our unrighteoufnefs, as well as Adams fin imputed to us, Even foChrift the fecond Adam is a Root of a righteous feed : Our ContraC by faith is as to him, what our Natural propagation is as to Adam ; that is, the conditionof our Interefl in his merits : We have as believers an initial righteoufnefs inour relation to Chrift; But we have allo