Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

,heb ;(venal part), to to Cli,t14i.a.r44 aÍro from him, I. Inherent habitual righreöufnefs 5 a. The a6tuaîrtghrc- oúlneis of faith, and true obedience and love. And theft have then pro per,uCe,and office, without which wemuff perifh. . , ,4,,And I molt tell you, that theword Univerfal is too big .tq.he pto- pe.rlÿ given to any mans juffification or righteoufoefs, butChrills : Proper- ly he only is Univerfally juftifed or righteous, who hath no ierarighte- oarnefc at all imputable to him, and is juftifyable in all things: But the belt believer, I. Was once a finner originally, 2. Did,oft fin, adjually, 3, Hach hill fin in him, 4. And for fome lin may be punifhed by the Magiftrate , 5. And for lin is judged and punifhed by, chaftifemedts and death by God, 6. And the earth Rill curled for our fake : 7. Yea, which is, wort ofall, we are 1till under the penalty of force privations ( alas ! how great) ofGods Spirit and its Grace, and our Communion with God. And all this mutt be confeffed ; And loch a one is not Univerfally jufti- fed or juif. Lib. ButAll our own Righteoufnefs doth but make us fuch as thankful perfóns mutt be for their 7uflifiration by Chrift, and is no part of that yufhfication by, faith : For iffaith it Pelfbe that Righteoufnefs, we have notfaith by faith, andfaith is not imputed tofaith, but chrifls Righte- oufnefs is it that is imputed. P. Of Imputation in due place ; I. What need you talk againft that wwîich pone of us affert t Do we not all hold, that our perfonal Gofpel- Righteoufncfs is fuhordinate to Chrifts, and is by his Gift, as our wofdorn and sanctification is t Who dreameth that our faith is anypartof Chrifts Righteoufnefs t But whydo youwafte time in vain cavilling againft plain certain truth? Is there any thing in Name or Thing aflèrted by us that you can deny:or queftiont Quueft. r. Do you deny that Scripture commandeth us toRelieve that yve may be juftified t Lib. No. P, Q.aeft a. Or that we are commanded not only Thankfully toAc- cept, but Thankfully to obey our Lord, Redeemer and Saviour t Lib. No. P. .refl. 3. Dare you deny, that life or death eternal dependeth on this as aCondition or Moral meanst and that we shall be judged ac- cording to it Lib. No: I deny it not. P. Paoli. 4. Is it not a Law that thus commandeth us, and by which wè mutt be judged t I,.ib, 'Tes, If it were no Law, there were oto duty andfin in belief and unbelief. P. P.44_611.5. Is not a man fo far juft and juftifyable by that Law, as he keepeth it t and juftifyable againft the charge of being one that mutt be Damned, by producingthe Condition of pardon and lifeperformed t Lib. Toss, I deny, at not. P. Qtfl. 6. And doth not the fame Law virtually juftifie the perfor- mer now, whom it will juftifieas the Rule of Judgement at laft t Lib. Fes, no doubt. P. aft. 7. And is not the Name of Righteoufnefs many fcore times given in Scripture to our own aEtions done by Grace, and meafured by the New Covenantt Lib. Tes, I cannot deny it. P. Why then while you deny neither Name nor Thing; what wrangle you about Ii And