242 OfimputedRight.OfFaith, fuJ1ifand Mans duty : And let me plainly tell you, that fuch men as you by indifcreet over- doing are not the leaft ofSatans inftruments to bring theGofpel under fcan- dal , and harden theworld in Infidelity and thefcorn of Chrift ; while you would fodefcribe the ChriftianReligion, as if this were the very heart and fumm of it [ Believe that all theElect have fulfilled perfectly all Gods Law by another, and that Chrift did it as perfonating each of them, and therefore no crimeof their own is imputable to them, norany-kind or de- . gree ofGoodnefs or Righteoufnefs in and of themfelves, is at' leaft re- quired of God; as any,means or condition, of their prefent or future juftification by their Judge, oras having any hand therein. ] As if God werebecome indifferent what we dare fo that Chrift be but Righteous for us : when as it wasChrifts grand defign to reftore lapfed man to God, which he doth not onlyby Relative benefits, but by Renewing them to his Image in love and holy obedience. Lib. Have younot lately and oft beentold, that holinefsandobedience are neceffary now ; but it is to other Ends than to juflife us; (as for Gratitude, &c.) P. r. We eafily grant it is for other Ends than Chrifls Merits were and not to juftifie us as they do ; nor in that Caufality. They are not to purchafe for us a freegift of pardon and life, nor the Holy Ghoft, trç. as Chrift did. a. But again tell me, Hath not Chrift a Law that corn- mandeth our obedience to thofe ends( as Gratitude) which you mention And is not the keepingthat Law a thing that the fame Lawwill fo far jufiifie us fore Yea, a Condition that life dependeth one And if the Caufe in Judgement be, Have you kept it or not? muft you not in that beaccordingly Juftified or Condemned:' Give over cavilling againftplain neceffary truth. Lib. By thisyou will fall in with thePapifis, who take 'uflifrcation to be partly byarylsRighteoufnefs , and partly by our own: and partly in pardon, and partly in faith and holinefs. P. Tell not meof the Names ofPapifis or any, to frighten me from plain Scripture truth. i. Whymay not rather fay , Whygo you fromall the ancient Writers andChurches, even Augrejlinehimfelf, by your new and contrary opinion? Was true Juftification unknown for fo many hundred years after theApoftlesa 2. The molt zealous Antipapilis do confefs that force Texts ofScripture do fo take thewordJuftification : And multitudes ofTexts fo take the words Righteous and Righteoufnefs. And he that will impartially confiderthem may find, that more Texts than are by us fo con- feffed, do by ujfifying mean [Makingus7uf, and fo Accounting us] on all thefe caufes conjunél , 1. As being Redeemed by Chrifts Merits, a. And freely pardoned, 3. And having Right to life, q.. And renewed to Gods love and Image, 5. And fo juftifyable at theBar ofGrace by theLaw of faith and liberty. 3. And the reality of all the Matter of this Docìrine is part doubt,' if the Controverfie de nomineluflíficationis were not fo decided. CHAP.