Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

t6ei`ftiaerAtf400 to.:a Chritlians Contort; 243 CHAP. IV. whether the. Gofyel be .a Law of Chrifi ? Lib. III, Oto bring inyour doc`irine ofpersonal Righteoufnefs ta ufürcatian, by feigning .Chrifi to have made a new Law; whereas the Gospel is but aDoeirone, I-li/iory andPronsife, and soar a Law, and f no Rule ofRighteoufnefs and Judgement; And this many Protefiants have afferted. P. I have read fouie fuch fayings in fouie. men : And fouie I think meant no more, but that Chrift did only expound, and not add to the Law of Nature, called by them the Moral Law : And thefe I haveexcufed for their unhappy kind of expreffion. But for the reef, that mean as the s ords found univerlally, they fubvert Chriftìanity, and as the'Arrians denyed Chrifis Godhead, fo do they his office and Government, and are fouir hat.worfe than the makers, who fay, that thespirit within us, is theLaw and Rule of Chrift 5 which is better than none : I pray an- fwer me,: Oefi. 1. Is Chrift theKing and Ruler of the Church t Lib. Tes, P. °ff. z. Is not Legiflation the firft and principal part of Go- Vernmentt Lib. res. P..2efl. 3. Do not they then that deny Chrifts Legiflation, deny his Government ? Lib. Ter. P. efi, 4. Is it not effential toChrift as Chrift ( the name fignifying Relatively his Office) to be King r S Lib. res. P.efl. 5. Do they not then by this deny Chrift to beChtiftr Lib. No: for they confefe that he bath a Law, but not that he made any line his birth. P. We grant 1. That the Law of Nature now is His Law: a. And that the fir-ft Edition of the Law of Grace toAdam after the fall, was his Law : 3. AndMs[es Law was partly his. But you will not faythat we are under this lait , nor I hope that be path no other than the two firft. Lib. why, what other can you prove? P. It is the Name or the Thing that you deny ; ( for you ufe to con- found the cafes :) t. Whether- the name be fit, judge by thefe Texts. Gal. 6. z. Bear ye one mothers burdens, and fo fulfil the Law of Chrift. games x.25. The perfecF Law of Liberty. Rom. 8. z. The Law of theSpirit of life in Chrift Jefus, be. Rom. 3. z7. Boafting is excluded? Bywhat Law ? OfWorks t Nay, but by the Law of faith. Mie. 4. z. For the Law (hall go out ofZion, be. So Ifa, 2.3. & 8. 16, zo. & 42. 41. The Ifles (hall wait for his Law. t Car. 9. 21. We are under the Law to Chrift. Heb. 8. 10716. I will put myLaws into their minds -and hearts. games 4, r z. There is one Law giver, be. Ifa. 33 22. Ii a 2. Ear