Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

244 Of imputed Right.OfFaith,1uftif,andMansduty : 2. For Name and Thing note the terms of Equivalence and Con- notation: I. All the Texts where Chrift is called a Icing , and his Kingdom named, (why fhould I needlefly recite them t') 2. All the Texts thatmention his Commanding and Commandments, the fame which we mean by a Law. Matth. 28. 2o. Teaching them to obferve all things whatever I have commanded you. Ads 10.42. 6,13.47. `..4its 1o.33. I Cor.7. Jo. 7ohn 15. 14. If ye do whatfoever I commandyou. 17. Thefe things I command you. So phis 1 5 . I2 6'14.21,31. I Tim. I . 1 . Titu s 1.3. 1 Sohn. 3. 2 3. 6.4. 6. 7ohn 13. 34. I John 5.3. 6. 2.4. 6'3.24. I Cor.14. 37. Acts I. 2. Atts 17.30. Bleffed are they that do his Commandments, . c. Rev. 22.14. 3. All the Texts that mention his Covenant, ( has4a4 being a Legal inftitution.:) He6. 8. 6. He is the Mediator of a better Covenant, 6.8. 13. 6-8.10. 6, I0.16. 6- 12.24. G'at.4.24. 4. All thofeTexts that not onlycall him Lord of all , but fay that All power in. Heaven and Earth. is given to him ( therefore Legiflative power) Matth. 28. 18. and all Judgement committed to him, john5.2z. The Government is laid upon his (boulders, and ofthe increafeof his Govern- mentthere (hall be no end, ¡fa. 9. 6, 7. 5. Pe re, how can that man be a Chriftian, that denyeth that Chrift bath made us anyLaw, and fo denyeth his Kingdom and our obedience I argue from thedefinition : That which hath the effential parts ofaLaw is a Law: But Chrift hath made that which bath the effential parts of a Law: Therefore_he bath made a Law. The Major is pall difpute; The Minor I prove: That which bath a Precept makingDuty, and a Promife and Threatning, inflituting the Re; tribution by Rewards and Punifhments , as an Inftrument of Govern- ment, hash all the Effentials of a Law : But fuch is made by Chrift : Ergo The Minor ( which onlyneeds proof) I prove by parts and inflances. i. There is a Command to believe in .God as our Reconciled Father by Chrift : 2. Tobelieve inChrift as Incarnate, and the Mediator, conceived by the HolyGhoft, born of the VirginMary, fulfilling all righteoufnefs, dying, buried, forus, juftifying us by his blood, riling, afcending, glorified, interceding, that will raife the dead, and judge theworld; d-c. We are commanded to believe all theGofpel: And to give up our felves.toChrift in the Covenant ofBaptifm, to trufl inhim, to pray in his name, d-c. We are commanded to believe in the Holy Ghoft as the Spirit of Chrift, and to live inCommunion with the Chriftian Church, to obferve the Lords day. ( the firftof theWeek,) to preach and hear the Gofpel, to receive theLords Supper, to imitate Chrift, to receive his Apoftles andMiniflers, to relieve his members as fuch, to take Mofes Law as abrogated or real ed; And do you that are fo ftrietin condemning all humane impofitions as bold additions, believe that Chrift himfelf bath made no Laws for Or- elination, Sacraments, Preaching, Worship r and why fear you adding then r can one add to Nothing t And what a lawlefs fort of per- form are you, if you will neither.have chrift nor Man to make Laws for you t z. And as toPromifes andThreats or Penalties (of a far forer punish= ment,Beh. to. ) I am ashamed to Rand to prove them to you. [ He that believeth (hall be laved, and he that believeth not shall be damn- ed ] is° fure 'aLaw. How (hall we «cape, if we negleël fo great falva- don?