Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

$heir feveredparts to a Chr/r0n.c Cornfort. tion? See that ye rejedt not him that fpeaketh Heb. 4. & to. Thefe mine enemies that would not that I flsouid reign over them, bring them hither and flay them before me, Luke 19.27._ with abun dance fuch. Pardon here that my indignation4fuffcreth me not to be longer or colder, but fliortly to tell you further, that to deny Chrifls Law is, t.To deny him to be a King, and tobe Chrift, z. To deny his Kingdom, 3, And his Government, 4. And his Gofpel, g. And his Officers power, both Kings and Paftors, 6. And your Qwn fubjedtion, y. And all duty andobu- dience to him, 8. And the being of all fin as againfl his Laws. 9. An4 all Judgement according to his Laws, to. And all reward for keeping his Laws, r t. And all puniflsment for breaking them, t a. Andall duty to preach, learn or meditate on-them, 13. And all blame on filch as filence itch preaching, 14. And indeed the very being ofall Law and Goverci merit in the world : For fine- the Promife Gen. 3. ( or at lealinow) there is no Lawof God in the world, but what is the Redeemers Law : Even the Law ofNature now is in his hand, and is the Law of the Redeemer to lapfed Nature. And all the world had a new Law of Grace made to Adam in the fitft Edition ., and the Church hath it now in the fecond Edition. And now what part ofChriflianitydo you not deflroyt Choofe you nowwhether you will come off by confemug that you er- red and differed from us but in a word not underilood, or whether you will allow us to take you for downright Hereticks ? And bethink you whether those ragl and felf-conceited Divines that have reviled Papifis and Arminians for Paying thatChrifls Gofpel was a Law, or that he made a newLaw, have done good fervice to the Chriftian or the Proteftant Caufe r or have rather done much to harden the Papifis into a more confident conceit that Proteftants are Hereticks!, CHAP.V. whether Chrifl be the only Party in Covenant with God ? and not 6e- lievers, or lapfed man? Lib. I V. r next charge is, that you feign the Covenant to be made with as , which is made only with Chrift. Do you not remember that even the Weftminfter 4ffembly fay in their larger Catechifm, that [The Covenant ofGrace was made withChrift as the fe- cond Adam, and" in him with all the Eledt as his feed ? ] But you feign it to be madewith the Elei?, nay, to others immediately, and not only as Chrifis feed, in him, nor to Chrift at all. P. I will not wafle time in expounding or cenfuring other menswords : but as to the matter, is it not anioft flameul thing, that a manofyour profeflion and pretenfions to knowledge, fhould confound thofe two Co- venants which children should be taught in their Cateçhifm to diftin- guifh By [aCovenant] here we mean, r.A Covenant offered and impofed, which is alto a Law: z. ACovenant confentedtoan mutual.. And now tell me, efi. r. Was it not a diflindt Law that was made to us, from that which Chrift was obliged by t I mean theLaw of Grace andFaith? Was Chrift 245