246 O f irnpkt?d 'Right.O fEaith,,uflif .andMans dotty Chrift" commanded to Repent of his fin? or accept a Saviour? or pray for pardon t' or mortifie his Tufts:' or truft another to reconcile him to God or be- Thankful for fuch mercies? or any fuch like Remedying means and duties for himfelf Lib. No : that mull not be imagined. P..;ft. 2. Is not all this commandedby the Law of Grace Lib. Yes: Ifit be a Law. P..Q.efl. 3. Was not Chrift under a Law, which bound him, T. To obeyall theprecepts of nature perfectly without fine z. To obey all the Mofaical Law as far ashe was capable r 3. To doall this a saMediator to reconcile God and man, And to dye for finners, to work Miracles, to fend out Apoftles, to gather a Church, to intercede for us, and to prefent us Juflified andperfect to his father r And arewe obliged to do fo toot' Lib. Noonefo imagineth. P. Qiefl. 4. Didnot Chrift as a Covenanter undertake all this And do wedo fo too r And do not we in Baptifm our felves, content and pro- mile, to take God theFather, Son, and Holy Ghoft, for our Father, Savi- our and Sanc &ifier, and to forfake the Aefh, the world and the devilc Is it Chrift only that is Baptized t' Nay did Chrift ever receive fuck a Baptifm as this, to walk away his fins, and deliver him a pardon t' Is it Chrift or we that at Baptifm make there promifes to Godt Is it to Chrift or us that Chrift himfelf faith, If thou believe and repent thou fhait be fa- ved? Doth Chrift as King make Laws and Covenants to bind himfelf only? Who feethnot, that bath any fence of Scripture matters, that The Mediators cafe, office andwork is one, and ours another : that It is one Law that was given him, and another to us : yea, that which feemeth the fame was another, being not formallybut materially only the faine ( and forma denominat :) For he was to fulfil the Law of Mofes and of Innocency, to fuch ends (as a Redeemer ) and with fuch difference from our cale, that it was not formally but materially ( and that but inpart) the fame Law and fohis Baptifm was formally anotherthing from any ones Baptifm elfe in the World. It was one thingthat chrifl promifed and undertook in his Covenant with the Father, and it's another thing that we undertake and promu e. It's one thing that God promifeth to Chrift upon his Merits ( that he (hall fee of the travail of his foul and be fatisfied ) and another thing that he promifeth us ( that our perfons fhall be Juftified, fanIli- Red and laved.) In a word, bythe Law given to Chrift, Chrift himfelf Is Governed as a Subject, and Juftified and Rewarded by God as his Judge for fulfilling it. By the Law given to us, we are the fubjeds and Chrift is the Governour, Lawgiver and our Judge, who will Juftifie, re- ward, or condemn and punifhus. I know not how that man can preach the Gofpel that knoweth not the differencebetween the Law and Covenant made to and with Chrift as Me- diatour, and the Law and Covenant made to and with us, and in Baptifm folemnly profefled ! children (houldnot be ignorant of it. Lib. But it is thefame thing which ispromifed to drift and us, viz, that we (hall be,l'uflified and faved and this is promifed frfl to chrfi, and therefore the words cited may bejuflifred: chrift is the feed of thewoman who is full to break the Serpentshead, Gen. 3, t 5. P. r. The fame thingmay be promifed to different perfons, in different Covenants : To promife to Chrift that his elect fhall be faved, and to pro- mile Believers that they(hall be laved, are two promifes. 2. What one word do you find in Gen. 3. of a Covenant or promue made to Chrift t It's true that he is the principal Seed there meant (though not