Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

their feveralpártr, to a Cbriflián.é Còrÿifort: 247 not theonly :) But he is the Pronsifedseed: It's one thing for a promife to be made toChrift, and another thing that Chrift as the victorious feed be promifed toman. There is no promife in Gen. 3. to Chilli mentioned ( and what can be meant by a Promifeof God to Godhimfelf ?) but a pro- phecy and promifeof a Saviour to man i But if there had, that would not have proved thefe two to beOne. Underhand thetenour and difference of thefe feveral Laws and Cove- nants of God, or pretend not to underhand the Scripture : viz. r. The Law and Covenant of Innocency made to. .Adam. a. TheLaw and Co- venant made to and with the Mediatour for our Redemption: 3. The promife, Law or Covenant of Grace of the firft Edition, made to Adam and all in him and renewed withNoe and Mankind in him. 4. TheLaw and Covenant both of Common Grace andof Peculiarity, at once given to Abraham, and perfeEted in the Law and Covenant of Works made by Mofes with the Jews. 5. TheLaw and Covenant of Grace made by the Incarnate Mediatour ( and theFatherby him) in the fecond perfe t Edi tion, witheminent peculiarity. CHAP. VI. whether theNew Covenant of Grace have any Conditions ? Lib. V. DI feigning the covenant of Grace to have Conditions, yoú L make it to 6e a Covenant of works. P. Either by work¡ you mean [any humane acts 5] And fo all Gods Covenants with man ( and his Laws) are of works ; that is, It is fome alt of man that they require : For whatelfecan be commandedt Or you Mean as Paul Both, when he calls the Sews Law, a Law of worksï And if fo, you falfifie hisdollrine or ours. Prove if you can that by works he meanethevery humane At, and that Faith it (elf is eitherno .c4fk ofmin, or the works meant byhiM: Lib. Faith is awork, but it is not put inthe Covenant as a work regtoi.- redof sao, bat asa gift to begiven to as freely. P. Judge whether it be required of us, and that formally as a condi. tion, by fifth textsas thefe : ( yea, whether obedience be not required,as a Conditiòn of Our falvation; which is promifed thereupon!) r rime 4.8. Godlinefsbath the promifeof the life that now is, andof that which is tocome. Mark 16. i6. He that believeth and is baptized (hall be Pa- ved, and he that believeth not lhall be damned. Rom. Iò: 8, 9,10,13. If thou fhalt confefs with thymòuththe Lord Jefüs, and fhah believe in thy heart that God railed him from the dead (N. B. this is an all di- ftinll from accepting his Righteoufnefs) thou (halt, be faved. For with the heart man üeliebeth unto Righteoufnefs; and with the mouth Confeffion is made unto falvátion; For whdfoever (hall call óu thename of the Lord ¡hall be faved. Maitb. 6. Ian i 5: For if ye for- give men their trefpaffes; your Heavenly Father will alfo forgive you: But if &C. Rev. 2 i. i4. Ble¡fedare they that do hit commandments, that they may haveRight to the tree of life, &c. See Ifa. r. 16,17,18. er 55. 6, 7: Luk.13. 3, 5. r yoh. I.9. A1.3.10. Heb. 5.9,&c. Lib. Godpromifeth a Rewardtá our "Illions; hot as ours, but áa hisowri gifts. P. z Enough is faidof Rewards before ¡ We fhallhot by fifth tali äs this