Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

their /everalparts to a Chri/Ears Colton. nrt 249 z. So it be anae of our os+n, it is no way neceflary that it be done without the Commanders help or gift : For he that giveth us to believe, doth give it by this means, even by commanding it, and making it a Con- dition of his further benefits, that to he may induce us as rational free agents, to perform it ex intuita mercedis, or by the motive of the end Of benefit. For he caufeth it by suitable means. And-no doubt, but faith, and the reff, are freeails of ours, though caufedby Gods grace. 3. Audit is accidental to a Condition, that itbe any way commodious to thermppofer. What profit is it to a Father that his Child' put off his Hat and lay, I thank you And yet he may make that a condition of his gift. What profit is it to a free Phyficion, that the Patient oblerve his order in taking his Medicines r And yet he may give them on that condition. But yet I will add, that as ritually men make that the condition of a- Gift or Contract, which the perfon obliged is backward elfe CO perform, and that which is.fomewhat either for the Donor or Contradicts Intereff, or the Ends of his contra& : fo Codo ho taketh his Glory and Pleafare in füs Childrens Good, to be as his Interefl, and the End of his Gfee, and knoweth how backward we are to our duty, doth on thefe accounts im- pofe on us our duty and conditions, his Pleafure and Glory being inflead of his Commodity.. But if [ 'if] be a conditional Particle, and ifGods fufpendind by the tenóur of his Donation, our Right to Jrufffication upon our free believ- ing, and our Right to Salvation on our free obedience, do prove Conditi- onality ( as it Both all that we mean ) then you fee that the newCove- nant hath conditions. Lib. Doth not God promof us the firth' Grace, even to take the hard heart out of our bodies, andgive us hearts offlefh , and new hearts, &c. and I pray, what condition can the firfl grace have, unlefs you will run- in infinitum, to feek conditions ofConditions? P. t. This is a Caufe of great moment, ofwhich I have my felf had darker thoughts than now I have. t. If one Benefit of the Covenant have no Condition ( viz, thegirt/,) will it follow, that none of the tell are given upon condition ? May not God in Baptifm give us a Right of fpccial Relation to the Father, Son andHoly Ghofi, his Love, Grace and Communion, Pardon, Adoption and Glory, on condition of Faith and Repentance, and yet himlelf give us that Faith and Repentance which is the condition of the reff c z. But upon fuller confideration it will appear, that It is not the fri Grace that thofe promiCes mean, by a new and foft heart For whoever will examine them, fhall find that the Texts mention Conditions and alto antecedent Grace : And indeed, [A new and foft heart] is but the fame thing which the New Teftament calleth sanciifrcation. And yet that Sanclofrcation is promiled as confequent to Faith as its condition: And our ordinary Divines do accordingly diffinguifh of Vocation and Sanclifica- t£on holding that inVocation the Adt of Faithand Repentance are caufed by Gods Grace, before proper Habits ; and that Sanftification is the Ha bits '( fpecially of Love and Holinefs) following them, (vid.Amef. MeduU, ele vow. Rolloc. de ,Vocat. Hookers Souls Karat. &Hamil. Rogers of Faith, &c.) And this is the new andflefhy heart. But what need we more to prove that Covenant Conditional which I mean, when it is nothing but the Baptifmal Covenant? where fire the condition is notorious , and every Baptizing Minifter prerequireth the profeffion of it. Kk C;HAP.