25ó Ofimputed,Right.Of Faith, rJ i f andMans duty : CHAP. VII. whether 3uflifying Faith be aBelieving in Chrift as a Teacher, Lord, &c. or only aReceiving ofhis Righteoufnefi? P. V I. A S to this your GxthCharge, I havePaid fo much elfewbere, in my Difputationsof Juftifcation, and in other Books, that I. cannot juftifie the tiring ofReaders by repeating it : And will fay now but this little following: s. That Paul doth not diftinguifh between juffifying faith, and faving faith, but excludeth theWorks excluded by him, from being the caufes either of Juftification or Salvation. a. That if [Receiving ChriJtsRighteoufnefs] be meant by them pro- perly and phyficaáy, it is no fort offaith at all ; but only [ the effect of the donation, ] which they call [ fuffifcari,] or paffive Jufttfication : But if it mean a moral metonymicalReception, that is nothing but [Confènt' to have the offered gift] ; And if only Content to have Chrifis Rights- oufnefs beJuftifying faith, then all the Affenting part is excluded ( in which Scripture much placeth it, and molt Divines in part, and many in whole, betides Camera and his followers ). And fo alto all theAffiance or Fiducial ails are excluded, which almoft all include; even that which they call Recumbency being diftinft fromConfent. 3. All thefe ads following are eflential to Juftifying faith, as well as thisContent tobe Juftified : 1. AnAffenting belief in God, in the baptifmal fenfe. 2. An Affent to the truth ofChrifts Perlon, Office and Doctrine. 3. A belief in the Holy (Molt. 4. A belief ofPardon, Sanétification and Glory as poffible, purchafed and offered byChrift. 5. A Content that God be our God in Chrift. 6. And a Content that Chrift be our Teacher. 7. And our King, and Ruler. 8. And our Interceffor. 9. And our Judge and Jufti- fier by fenrence (and asour Advocate ). so. A belief of his Refurre- ¿Ron, Power and Glory. II. A Trailing to the Father and the Son ac- cording to tbefe forementioned Offices. s a. A Content to be Sanctified >,y theHely Ghoft. 4. Plainly our Juflifying and Saving Faith in Pauls fence is the fame thing with ourart/bounty, or becontingChriffiens : And the fame thing with our Baptifmal faith and confine. 5. To believe in Chrift as Chrift is in Scripture Juftifying faith : But to accept his righteoufnefs only, and not to believe in him as our Lord, and our Teacher and Interceftor, &c. as aforefaid , is not to believe in him as Chrift. 6. In my Anfwer (' ubi fap.) to Mr. warner , and elfetvhere, I have r.ctcäed the fraud of their quibling distinction, who fay , that All this is in faith gme iaftt eat, but not qui juJfifcat, as fuppofing afalfhood,that any all offaith quá talic juftifieth. 7. They that lay that only our Acceptance of Chrift: imputed Rigbte- earnefs is theJuftifying all of faith, and that to expect to be Juftified by any other (viz. by Believing in God the Father, and the Holy Ghoft, and believing a Heavenhereafter, and believing the Truth of the Gofpel, and ofChrifts Refurrcctiou, Afcenfion, Glory, &T. and by taking him forour Teacher, Ruler, Interceffor, &c. ) is to expel uftocatión byworks in raids difclaimed fenfe, and fo to fall from Grace ; Ifay,they that thusteach, do