Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

their fiveral parts to a Chri/Iians Comfort.-- do go'fofar towards the fubvërting of the GM-pet ,`anermaking`a Gofpel or Religion of their own, as that (Imutt tell them, to move them to re- pentance) not only the adding ofceremonies is a fmall corruption in com- parifon of this, but many that in Epiphanias are numbredwith Hereticks, had far lelfer errors than this is. CHAP. VIII. of Faiths 7uflifying as an Inflrument.' P. V I I. A Nd I have faid fo much in the forefaid Difputatians of yuJlification and otherBooks,ofFaiths Inftrumentalityand the reafon of, its juftifying intereft, that I cannot perfwade my felf now, to talk it out with you all over again ; butonly to fay, i. That I, have fully oft proved from many plain Scriptures, that par., don and falvation are given ( with Chrift ) in the Covenant ofGrace, on Condition of a penitent believing fiducial acceptance. And therefore that it ismoil certain that faith is a condition of our Juftification ; and fo to Íìë profell in Baptifm. 2. The name ofAn tuflrument given to faith and its7uflifying as an Infl:rament, are of mens deviling, and not in GodsWord. 3. But as to the fenfe, It is certain that faith is 'no Inftrumen of our Juttification (Gods or Mans, if it be meant properly of an Inftrumen- tal efficient caufe. .}. But if it be taken Metaphorically, for an Adt whole Nature or el- fence is AnAcceptance of a free Gift, and fo by lnflrumentality be meant the d credere, that is, Faiths veryEffence in fpecie, thenno doubt it is yilshat it is. 5. Or if by aninflrament be meant, A Moral aptitude or Difpofition of perfon to be Iuftified (anfwerable to the Difpofitio Recipientis vel materie in Phyficks ) then it is fuch an Inftrumen. But howwell this isworded, and what caufe there is to contend for a word both of ha- mane invention and metaphorical, and this as if it were, a weighty Do; ârine, Í leave to fober judgements. 6. But it is certain that theAccepting All of faith isbut itsAptitude to'.be the condition of the Gift, acid therefore that its being made by, Ch`rift the Condition is its Moral neareft intereft in our Juftification. 97E;: 2f 2; aEd; Kka Yd bap . rt s ,2121i1 , =.0 o si bat [n:c ? yd7 5f17 T,k.,J:.Cxí but ; -íiE7t9d tiJ/P Ji , ru 71to70 i-T7!i gm r,r." T'nE tuo'`dt4?6llk,. oüYt: .tv,'+sa i ç'rf22tJìtiJ -J3 .i:.C.a,,..;uítyor27n1 ,tí9r v ais:0 C0.01.111E1 0361 bus r1r cb CHAP. I