tbei)feVeral parts to tt Chriflianx Lérlafo t faith at all, but Chrifts righteoufnefs ? And tvhy mutt not all other'placcs that mention faith, be fo underttood alto But read theTexts, and let all together, and fee what fenfe thus made of it. Rom.4.3. [ What faith the Scripture r Abruharn belitvidGbd, and it, that is, not his believing, but Chrifts Righteonfnefs, was.ih4itted tö him for righteoufnefs. ] Is this a fober and model} paraphra e; or a fliamelefs violence ! Doth not [it] refer to [ believing God ]'before mentioned Verf. 4;5. [ ro him that worketh is the reward not reckoned ( or im- puted ) of Grace, but of debt: Bat to him that **kerb not, hat btlieveth on him that jujhfeth the ungodly , hisfaith ( that is, not kr faith; but Chr o righteoufnefs) is counted for righteoufnefs.] Is this'd model} Expoftion f Verf. io, r a. [ we fay that Faith ( that is, riot faith, I. tChii(ts righteoufnefs) was reckoned to Abraham for righteoufnefs How then was it, (thatis, not his faith, bnt Chrifls righteoufnefs) reckoned ?--_ In uncircumcifzon : And he received the fign ofcircitmeifion, d feat of the righteoufnefsofthe faith, (that is, net ofthefaith, but of the righteoufnefs of Chrifis righteoujitefs ) which he had being uncircoimtifed, thathe might be the Father of them that believe, that righteoufnefs '(that Is, Chrifis) might be imputed to them alfo --who walk in the fief's of that faith whichAbraham had, &c. (dothfaith here alfolignifie no faith ? ) Verf. 13. When the promife is laid to be [through the righteoufneff offaith] andVerf. tq. [ faith made void] is it no faith that is here alto meant by faith? And Verf. 16. [ It is offaith ----tb that feed, which is of the faith of Abraham] is not faith indeed here meant by the'word faith? So Vert. x8,19, io, zr: [who againfi hope believed And being not weak in faithhe ftaggered not at the promife ofGod through unbelief, but wasfirong in faithAnd being fully perfwaded that what he had promifed he was able toperform] is it no faith that is meant in all there words? yea, or no ait of faith , but accepting the righteoufnefs of chrifl ? So next Verf a a. [And therefore it Was imputed to himfor ltighte_ oufnefs ] that is, Not his faith ; but by [it] is meant only Chrifls Righteaufnefs, 'though it was faith that wasover and over mentioned as the antecedent.) So Verf. 23, 24. [ It was not written for his fake only that it (that is, not faith, but Chrifts righteoufnefs) was imputed to him ; But for us alfo to whom it (that is, not faith ) /hall be imputed if we believe (is not that faith neither ?) on him (that is, God the Father) that railed up fefus our Lord from the dead ( which is a diflindt alt from Confenting to have his righteoufnefs: ) who was delivered to death for our offences, and was raifed again for our fuflification ; ] Is the meaning that we are juflifred by the Imputation of Chriffs Refurreaion fo to us, as that In Law fente we rote again in h'im, and by Riling fulfilled the Law of Innocency? I will not for fhameand wearinefs thus go over other filch Texts : but I mutt be fo faithful as to fay, that if good men, and wife men, and men that cry down the Paps and others for adding to Gods word, and cor- rupting it, and calling it aîdofe of wax, and introducing new Articles of faith, will yet owtr filchExpofitions as there; and accule thole that own them 3