Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

their feveredparts to a Chrtfrttris Contfor't: Chrifls Righteaufnef$?] or this either [His faith, that is, chr/sRghte- oufnefs and not his faith, was imputed to him for Chri/l.r Righteonfnefs? j Undoubtedly by faith is meantfaith, and by Righteoufnefs is meant our own Relation. But it is moil eafie to difcern, that the plain Cede is [thrill being prefuppòfed the i.Periter 'of ¢nñ7n(liftcation and Salvation, which he bath given the world conditionally by a I,aw ofGrace., ( or Covenant Donation,) by which n6w he rrileth and judgeth us,all that this Covenant, Gift or Law requireth on our part to make us Righteous, and entitle us to the Spirit , and eve'rlasiug life, is thatas Penitent .Believ`- ers we accept ch'rifl and-life according to the nature, ends and fifes of the gift; (and this alto by his grace ). ] Reader, hold ciofe to 'this plain Oo trine, whic4moli of the lower fort of Chriftians know (who have not fain into perverters hands) and you will have more folid and pray /ical andpeaceable truth about this point, than either Dr. Thomas Tate,or Maccovius, or Ms.crandon,or Dr.Cro(pe, or the Marrow ofModern Divinity f , or Pautrlabfán, or Mr. Satt- *(Written bÿanbönei! marfh, or any fuch Writers do teach you itt their Iearned Net -work- Barber Mr. á,5Î i Treatifes, by which (beingWife or Orthodox overmuch, being them- by fivers in.Aepexelen L:- felves entangled and confounded by inconruous notions of mans Sven - vanes.) Sion) they -are liker to entangle and you, than to (hew you the belt method and grounds for the peace of an underflanding dying man. Chrifis Righteoufnéfs is Imputed or Reckoned to be as it is, the total role Meritorious Caufe of all thatGrace and Glory given ns'in and by theConditional Law or Covenant ofGrace, and of our Grace for perfor- mance of the Conditions; and it needeth nothing atall ()Nuys to make it perfell to this ufe ; nor hash our faith any fuch fupplementàl Office: But this conditionof our part in Quiff, and to his Covenant- gifts, mutt be performed : and the fentence of Abfolution or Condemnation, life or death, mull be paflèd on us accordingly; it beingnot Chrift, but we by this very Lam that are to be_Judged,.Jultified or Condemned, And this is the Condemnation that light is come into theWorld, and men loved darknefs rather than light,,_becaufe their deedswere evil : But to as many as Received him, he gave Right to become theSons ofGod, even to them that believe in his name : And there is no condemnation to them that are inChrift Jefus, who walk not after the Flefh, but after the Spirit : For being perfeded, he is become the Author of eternal Salvation to all them that obey him: And it is not they that cry Lord, Lord, that Ihall enter into theKingdomofHeaven, but he that dbth the will of our heavenlyFather : For Godlinefs bath thepromife of the life that now is, and of that to come. CHAP,