. 256 Ofimputed Right.OfFaith,Juflif .andMans duty : CHAP. X. whether Gods jufifying thofe to day that were yeflerday oonjuftified, fig- nifte any change in God ? P. IX. F this alto I havePaid fo much in myApologia to Dr.Ken- kj dall, and in the two firft parts of this Bookbefore, that 1 fhall now put you off with this fhort notice : a. There is nothing changed, or new inGod: That which on his part is in God the Caufe of our Juftification, is his eternal fimple effènce. z. But Gods Effence,Underftanding, or Will confidered limply in it felf is not to be called, Mans pfiification : But the effelí produced by it ; And partly the extrinfick objeft as terminating Gods ad, and fo by extrinfick denomination or connotation, Gods Effential Intehcdt and Will is faid, de nova to juftifie. But it is only man that is really changed. 3. The New effect in man fromwhichGod is Paid de nova to jug/fie him, is r. A newRight,or Relation to Chaff, pardon and life, and to the Father and the Holy Ghoft : a. A new ob'eftive termination ofGods eftì- mation, acceptance and complacency: And3. A new heart hereupcn at the fame inftant givenus. I think none of this is from eternity : And that as God did de novo make the world, and judge it exigent, and love and order it as exiftent , without any change in him, ( as alto millions of creatures proceed from his fimple Unity ) fo is it here. And this ncedeth no more words with knowing or teachable men : And to others there is no end. CHAP. XI. whether a fuffified man fhould be afraid of becoming unjuflifed? Lib. THis ear of lofing our juflification, which you teach men, is mot njurious to Gods freegrace and immutability, and a rack for Conscience to dejlroy mens peace. P. I have Paid fo much of this before about Perfeverance and Affu- rance, as forbiddeth me tedious repetitions. Here needeth no more "abut this explication of the matter which you confound : r. Fear is either Caufeful or Caufelefs. z. Fear is either fuch as hindereth comfort, or fuch as helpeth it. 3. Fear is either a Duty, or an unavoidable natural paffion, or a fin of unavoidable infirmity, or a more deadly or heinous fin. 4. Its one thing to caufe and cherifh Fear, and another thing to teach men that cannot avoid it, how to deal by it. And now I affèrt, r. Toomany areconfident that they are juftified, who ought not only to Fear that they are not, but to know it. z. Too many that are Juftified fall into fuch decayes of Grace, and hei- nous fin, as that it becometh thereupon their duty tofear left their h:arts fhould