Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

theirjeveral parts to a Chriíltans Comfort. 217 Mould deceive them, and they prove unjuftified, till they rife by repen tance and revivedFaith., The uncertainty becoming unavoidable, tome Fear in an uncertain perfon is a duty , without which.he would thew contempt of God and his falvation. 3, Toomany Juftified perfons have Grace fo : weak and antic-live, and fin fo flro»g, as that in that cafe , both uncertainty and'feárs are una. voidable to them : A Certainty beyondfear, fuppo(èth a very high pro- portionable degree of all other Graces ; ( For the new creature in the chief parts ufeth to increafe or decreafe together : ) But few have fuch high degreesofGrace. 4. A fear of particular great andheinous fins ( which mutt be Re: tented of if you will be faxed) muff be moderately feared by all Chrï= Mans nonebeing certain that they (hall efcape them. 5. A believing lively apprehenfion of thedreadfulnefs of Gods Judge-, Merit, as he is aconfuming fire, and one' that can caft foul and body into Hell, with fo much as is neceffary to vigilancy and labour for preventi- on, is all mens duty, Luke 12. 4, 5: lieb. 12. 28, 29. And on this con- federation if we will ferve God acceptably, it mutt be with reverence and godlyfear. And we mutt keepunder our bodies (withpaid ,) andbring them into fubje&ion, left having preached ór profeffed, we Mould yet be caflawayes. ,6. Needful cleanfing, repenting andpreventing féar, Both fecüre and further our comforts, by removing the fin anddanger that would hinder them. 7. All our enemies and dangers are not overcome till the end. And danger mutt be efcaped bymoderatefear. God whobrings his fervants over all their dangers, will favdthem by a foberfear and vigilancy, and not by fearlefnefs of the evil. 8. But all that fear which includeth error or unbelief, or dojlrufl of thrill, is finful, and to be refitted with all our care ; And the moredi= ftrutt, the greater is the fin. 9. All Fear that driveth from Chr , and faith, and. hope; andlove; and true confolation we cry downdaily, as injurious toGod and man. 10. We teach allChriftians to contend with utmoft diligence, to get up to thehigheftTruft, Love, joy, Thanksgiving and Praife, as the pro- per Evangelical excellency, neareft Heaven : and to get as fait as they can above that fear which hath torment, which is caft out as love groweth perfed : and to pray and feek for theSpirit of Adoption, of Power, and Love, and a found mind, inftead of theSpirit of fearand bondage: And not toplace too muchoftheir Religion in that very fearwhich in itsfeafon is a,duty, much lefs in hurtful finful fear : But alwayes and in all things to Rejcyce in theLord, withLove andGratitude, and confidently to caft all their cares on him. al. But as all men here are imperfect inHolinefs,Faith and Affurance,and in their doubts, Tomefear ofthe event ( betides meer reverenceof God) is their duty, fo we teach men how fo to live in an uncertain fearing ftate as fafelieft to get above it. s 2. And we know that fin, wickednefs, prefumption, felt-deceit and pride are fo common in the world, that Year is very needful to the molt ; and we have caufe to call with Paul to many proud Profefors, Be not bigb minded, but fear ( even left God Mould cut them off as he did the Jews) ; .and Havingapromifeofentring intohis reit, let us fear left any of us come fhort ofit, Pleb. 4. s. 'And Chrift thrice over reciteth his urgent exhortatory words, Luke sa.4,5. Ii ray to you myfriends I will tell y e