258 Of imputedAight.Of Faith,JuJ1if.and Mans duo: you whom you bail fear Fear him who when he bath killed, bath power to raft intoHell ; yea, I fay unto you (the third time) fear him: Is not this authority full, and theft words plain and very earneft, even to his friends? 13. And it is not fit to make fuch a Doltrine a fundamental certain= ty, which we find none of all the Churches of Chrift held from the Apoftles dayes for many and many hundred years (that ever I could read or hear of,) I mean that [all the Juftifredperfevere J. Be it ne- ver fo clear to you, that which now is, and fo long was thought fo far from clear and fure to the Churches of Chrift, as it is no fit foundation for theChurches Concord, fo neither for a Chriftians everlafting hopes, to be fo much laid on it, as by fome they are. CHAP. XII. Of MansPower to believe ; and of calling the unregenerate to Duty. P. X. & XI. of the firft of thefe I have faid fo much before, that I will here pafs it by. And as to the fecond, you are a man of pernicious principles, and downright hereticaland damnable, if indeed you would have us call no unregenerate perfons to any dutywhat- foever. Anfwer me thefe Queftions: Quell. r. Would you not have your Wife, Children and Servants taught, that it is their duty to love, honour and obey you e and your neighbours to deal juftly with you t and the Rulers to protedt you and theJudges, to do youJuftice t ' Lib. I (peak only ofReligious and not civil duties. P. You are indifferent it feemeth as to the Intereft of Gods honour and niens falvation : Let thofe alone, fo be it your own intereft be fe- cured. Duty to you, mutt be preached, but not to God. But would you not have them taught to do you fervice as to the Lord, and as fuch as from him fhali have punifhment or rewarde and to fubmit themfelvcs to the Higher Powers forconfcience fake as to the Minifters of God t and to Honour Father and Mother in obedience to Cod , and that by his reward their dayes may be long e Should not all be done to the Glory of Gode Lib. Tes, it !hamlet be; but the wicked cannot do it : Therefore they muff be frrfl made Godly, and the Heart renewed, that the life may be amended. P. We are as much and more for Heart-work, and for beginning there; than you are : we know that God accepteth not the hypocrite, that draw- ethnear him, and honoureth him with the lips, when theheart is far from him : The outward aEtions are no further Good or Bad, than they are Voluntary or from the will. The Divine Nature,and Image ofGod, and life of the new creature, is thenewheart by theLoveofGod fhed abroad upon it by the HolyGhoft. But, a. Are we to call men to no duty at all, to the getting of a new heart a Should we not perfwade them to hear GodsWord: Lib. Ter : How ¡hall they believe unlefs they hear? P. ueff 3.