Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

26o O f imputedRight.Of Faith, uftifmiid'Cans duty Qzeft.6. But 1 further ask you, May we not perfwade bad men to ex- amine themfelves, and to find, know and confefs that they are bad and un- godly e and to lament it e . Lib. res, that cannot be denyed. P. 9ueft.7. Andmay we not perfwade them to believe that there is a God, and that theScripture is hisWord,,and true and that Chrift is theMeffias Lit). Tes the Devils believe all this. P. :8. And may we not exhort them to Repent, and Tenn to God, and fo to believe in Chrift as to receive him, and give up them - felves unto hime Lib. res, you may exhort them: bra they cannot do it of themfelves. P. Mutt we exhort them to nothing but what theycan do of themfelves Q.41.refl. 9. Is not Exhortation Gods means to bring them to Repentance and Faith in Chrift e Lib. Tes i I deny none ofthis ; But that which you abufe men by, s. Is bidding the ungodly pray, when the prayers of the wicked are abo- minable to God. And z. In thatyou do notfirft call them to believe and come tochrJ, before they do any other duty. P. t. Yougranted me before that hearing andconfidering and fearching the Scripture, and other things named , are to be done before Believing in Chrift, by thofe that are yet unbelievers. He that believeth that there is a God, mutt behave himfelf accordingly in obeying God. 2. Men that believe in Chrift but by Affent, that he is truly theChritt, and the Gofpel true, and that there is a life to come, furely, if they love themfelves, mull do fomewhat in order to a fuller Juffifying Belief. 3. And are you fo much againft thevery Lawof Nature, worfe than the Seamenthat bid yaws call upon his God, worfe than the Ninevites, and than almoft all man- kind, as that you would have no menpray but godly men e Did not Peter bid Simon Magus repentand pray, Alts 8. And doth not God command the wicked, Íía.55. to feek the Lord' while he may be found, and call up- on himwhilehe is near e Should no gracelefs man ask Wi[domofGod, who giveth liberally. to all men, andupbraideth not, James a. and giveth his Spirit to them that ask it e Mull they not pray for Grace,Faith and Repen- tance, that want them e' 4.But yet let me remember you, that we ufenot tó exhort men to- draw nigh to God with the lips alone ; nor to pray without Defare. For Praying is but Defiring,'and prefenting that Defre to Cod. And when we bid men pray for Grace, we bid them delire it. And fo bid themRepent andPray, Believe and Pray ; for Praying is a Return- ing act : And if we may not 'call them to pray, we may not call them toTurn to God. Mr. Eliot in. New England teacheth the Indians ano- ther leffon, whole great work is to call them to pray, and the title that his Converts have, is the Praying Indians. Lib. But withoutfaith it is impoble to pleafe God , or do any thing which is not abominable to him. P. a. But it is not impolfïbie for one to have a common and temporary faith, and another a faving faith. z. And one that believeth that Godi-, and that he is the rewarder ofthem that diligently feek him, and this not favingly, may yet left di/pleafeGod, and be left abominable than he was before without it : and alto may do fouled-ling that tended" as ameans, . to that Faith by which he may pleafe him. a. A toral unbeliever, arid awicked man as wicked, whole prayers are. animated with wicked principles and ends, utterly difplealethGod, and his prayers and all fuch allow are abominable. z. A