Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

their feveralparts to a ChrOians Comfort, 261 2. A convinced wicked man that doth fomewhat from felf -love for his own falvation, and fpecially one that is not for from the Kingdom of. God, in the nie of common grace, is lefs abominable, and pleafeth God fecundum quid, or fiefs difpleafeth him, or feeketh that grace with which he may pleafe him : And Chrift is faid co love fuch a man, Mark. to. 21. 3. But only the true Penitent believer fo pleafeth him as to be an Adopted heir of life. CHAP. XIII. Of the witnefs of the Spirit, and Evidences of fuflification. P. X I I. Will fpend no more time with you on this, than briefly cd I open your error, and then to tell you what we hold as certain truth. I. It 'is your grofs Error to oppofe Evidences to the witnefs ofthespi- rit ; for in the principal refpeft they are the fame : as you may find by fludying thefe Texts well : Rom. 8. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, t o, I I, r2, 13, 16,23. 1 Cor. 6. 17. &12.4,12,1. 2 Cor. 3. 3. 6.4.13. 642.18. Gal.4.6. or5.5, 16JJ,'' 17,18, 25. 2 TirnJ.. I.7. john 3.3, 5, 6. Eph. I. 18. í7' z. 18, 22. 6.4.3, 4, 16, 23. 6'5.9,18. 2 Theft. z. 13. I Pet,. YI. 2, 22. U" . I fohn ;.24. 4. e 13. Zech.1a. lo. Rom. 7.6. Ezek.11.19. r18.31. & 36.26. Eph. 1. 13, &c., Our having theSpirit, and our being fan6ified by the Spirit, are the W itnéfs, Seal, Pledge, Eaeneft, and Fitft Fruits, and the Evidence of out Adoption and Right to life. It is not chiefly .eln inward voice or per- fwafion that we are Gods Children, that is the Witnefs. But I I. As a mans Rational foul doth witnefs that he is aMan, fo the Spirit of holinels witneffeth that we are Chriftians ; and adopted I. Con- ftitutively, making us fuch. a. And thereby differencing us from all that are not fuch. 3. And then helping us to difcern that we are fuch: As the Reafonable foul perceiveth it felf. 4. And helping us to exercife our G,ace that it may be themore difcernable., 5. And laftly, Comforting us by fuch Exercife and difcerning : As Life and the Intelledual Nature are pleating to themfelves. The Conclufon. P. Nd now Saul what think you of the Cavils that havepuzled and troubled you Have you heard any thing that fhould change your mind r S. `6I have heard thatfrom you thatconfirmeth andfatisftethme: But c6Ì haveheard that from L. which grieveth my very foul, i. To think "what temptations and perplexing tryals poor ignorant Religions people "care afjaulted by, and how hard a thing it muff needs he for (loch to -- refeape deceit andfin, and great difirallions. 2. To think in how fad a a condition the Church of God is, that betides what they fueerfrommen