262 Ofimputed `Right.Of Faitt4,Juffit.andMans duty : " ofViolence, and the flatteries of the world, mall be thus troubled and "enfnared by men of high profeons of Religion, and even drawn to " corrupt the word of God, and almofi to preach another Gofpel. 3. And "that ever men of fuch profeons fhould be guilty of fo much evil : wo "to the world becaufe of offences, and wo tò them by whom they come. P. Alas ! it is nonew thing : Do you not remember that Paul had fuch and worfe CO deal with. Read Gal. i. &3.6 21.. ReadRev.a. er 3.; 7ude, Qi a Pet. 2. 6. games2. ¿o 3. 6. Acts 15, 6-c. and youwill fee, that even thofe pureft times when they had Apoftolical Gifts and Authority to reftrain and fettle them, were yet thus tryed and troubled bymen of high pretenfions, fo that Paul wifheth that they were cut off that trou- ble them; and Chrift proclaimeth the hatred of his foul againft theDo- ¿trine of the Nicolaitans; andPaul 'tells the Corinthians , that Herefes muff be ,among them, that thofe which are approved may be manifefted among them ; and the Ephefans, itfts zo. 3o. that of their own [elves fhould men arife, [peaking perverfe things, to draw away Difciples after them. And ever fince'in all Ages to 'this day, the Church bath been as Chrift on the Crofs, between two Thieves, between the Tyrannical and the Superftitious Heretical dividing fort ofprofeffedChriflians. But hold faft plain primitive SIMPLICITY and ferious PRACTICE of a fober, righteous, godly and peaceable life, and you will get Cafe through 'all fuch fnares. The