263 The Twelfth Dayes CONFERENCE. L. A Lutheran : A `Reconciler. Whether theDifference between Papis, 4rminians, Lutherans and Calvinists about Mans Merits, be as Great as many think it ? L. Am greatly fcandalized by a Sermon that you lately preached in London, in which youfaid (as many good people of ùre me) that the difference between the Proteftants and the Papifts was little more than in weer words: TheCity ringeth of it, and it is a common fcandal, and offence. R. Seeing you heard it not, you are unfit to receive fatisfadtion about it, fave onlyby telling youthat theReport isfalfe, and that which I laid of force particular Controverfies only, they feign to be fpoken of all, or moll, or others: But of this when you bring one that heard it , I will give you a further account. L. However Iperceive by your words and writings, thatyou extenuate our difference about Mans Merits : And what is there that we more drier from the Papifts about, than Merits; andfrom the Arminians, than their placing our Righteoufnefs in our ownBelieving and Repenting a Is there any thing that more evacuateth theRighteoufnefs of chr f ? and defiroy- eth the honour of free grace , and :Wily entitleth them to the name of Antichrifiian? R. Forget not that before I further difcourfe with you, I premife, that I fpeak not a word to juftifie or excule the Papifts in general, or any one of them in particular, for any unfound word about this fubjeól, nor to abate your juft diflike of any of their errors : And before we proceed, I defire your promife that you will hear and (peak with as little partiality, paffion, and unrjghteoufnefs as you can, ( for to lay by all, I cannot ex- pelt, ) and that you will be true to what evidence of truth shall appear to you. L. Do you think that I love not Truth and Sobriety ? why do you fo fufpecl me ? R. Alas, how firange are our hearts oft to themfclves ! and how much of our own ignorance, temerity, paffron and unjuft partiality is there, in many a caufe which we (linfully) father upon God, and his Truthand Grace ! But in order to our better underftanding, I ask your anfwer to there Qeftions. .efi. r . Had you rather it did truly appear to you, that the Papifir and Arriniansdolefs difer from us, than molt conceive, or not t' L. i