dettiveelz Papiíts, L.uthel: dt,.d Calviniits. L. But ( not only our late Lectures aeainff Popery, Gut) many Prote- tants fay, that it is not Merit, lintels there be an Equality of it in worth to the Reward ; And therefore theirArguments agatnft Merit are, (as there) r. The Reward is meerly ofMercy and, Grace : therefore not of Merit. 2.It is Gods Gift : therefore not deferved, 3. It is by Inheri- tance., 4. Wt owe all to God ; and therefore cannot Merit. g.our works are imperfect. 6. weneed pardon. 7. Our works are not equal inGood- nefs and Value to eternal life. S. we cannot recompense Godfor what we have. 9.We cannot profit God. to. Grace and debt are oppofte. al. We may not Trutt our works (faith or love) therefore they merit not. So that the qo than is but of fach a Merit as by equal worth maketh the Reward due in point ofyftice.. R. All thefe reafens fufficiently confute Merit in point of Commiatetive yuftice : But they goupon a meekmiftake, as if thiswere the (late of the controverfie between us and theRoman Church, or they tookMerit in any fuels fenfe ; unlefs it be fome rare ignorant fellow (fuch as Romans feem- ethby fotne words, and fome fewothers) : But do yo grant that you a f- fer but de nomine and not de re with thofe that take not Merit in any fuels fenfe, but mean as you do de re ipfa L. That I mutt needs grant. R. Before: we proceed then, let mebriefly andplainly open the cafe. a. God ftandeth related toMan, t, As the Owner of as and all things : 2. As our Reclor byLaws : 3. As our Benefadlor. a. To Merit, a. Of aProprietor, or Owner, muft be giving him fome- what to hisgain or pleafure, for the worth of which he is bound by CommutativeNice, to requite us. z. ToMerit of a Ruler is to do that which he is bound to Reward inDiflributive fufiice, to perform his Re- warding promifes, or at leaft for the Ends of Government. 3, To merit of a meer Benefaïlor is no more than not to be uncapable of his Gift, which is improperly called Merit. 3. AU our controverfie is about the fecond : God as our Governout ruleth us r. At firft by the Lawof Innocency, s. By the Law of Grace and that r. As delivered to the World in Adam,and .Noe, z. Or to the yews with the additionof the Mofaical Law ofWorks, 3. Or as delivery ed in the Gofpel by Chrift and his Spirit. e}, To dream of that Merit from God as a proprietor in point of Corn. rttutative Juflice which our Arguments militate againft, is tantum non madnefs : and is not the Doctrine of the Church of ,dome ( that j know of. ) 5. To affect our Meriting of God as jtedìor by the Law of Innocency is dotage. And I know nonethat hold that we do fo (by our felves,though force hold that we do fo per alium. ) 6. Nor do any butpews that I know of affert Merit after the7ervifh Law ofWorks. 7. But they that hold that Chrift bath Meritedand freelyGiven áCon- ditional pardon and right to life to all mankind; even on condition of a penitent believing acceptance of the free gift, and this bya Law ofGrace, which we muft now be Ruled and Judged by, do hold that this Law bath its Reward, and mans aids accordingly their worth or Merit. 8. This Merit in point of Difiributive 3uftice",is to be conceived of and defined according to the Regiment which it relped eth, which is Gods Paternal Government offreely Redeemedfanner}, by a Law ófGrace freely pardoning and laving them if they will believe and accept the gift. Sò that it is only Meriting under a Law made by a Governing Owner and Ba- M us netallof