Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

between Papiíts; Luther. rzi'tdCalvini(tss L. if this he all that thofè few highef?Papifts mean, then they .are but more zealous in commending halinefs than the loafer fort, as the Relrgiorh Preachers with tts are : And i f ; this be indeed their meaning, theyare uni happy in expre/fïng themfelves, or wein únderflanding therm, arid ourhear- ers unhappy that upon fuch nifunderflandiF:gare taught to abhorr them. R. You know 1. That by 7uflification they mean Remiglon of fin and Holinefs: z. Andthat they hold that no works merit, but thofe that are done by the members of Chrift and by his fpirit, in love and holinefss 3. And that they merit nothing but what is primarily Gods Gift : 4. Nor any thing but what is merited by Chrift by another fort of merit, to winch outs is but fubordinate ; 5. And that they commonly fay that even faithit felf dothnot merit fuflification ( or Holinefs;) becaufe though ie eve a Pron.-lift of it, and fo expatio it is due; yet there is in the nature of the things no neceffary connexion between them : And nowwhatcan they mean after all this by condignity ex proportione opens ad præmium, but this which I have defcribed ? Holinefs ishappinefs and annexed to happi- nefs, in its various degrees. L. But fame fay that they are fo Impudent as to fay thatfrom the in- trinfick worth of the work, letting afide the confideration of the promife, it is meritorious. R. I.. Their commoneft opinion is that the natural AptitudeofHolinefs andobedience, and the Promife of God let together make them rewardable ( or meritoriousas theycall it:) which is moll certain. God promifeth not his bleffings and happinefs tomen for things evil, or worthlefs and indif- ferent. But 2. Some among their Doótors fay that were there nopromife Holinefs wouldbe Rewardable ; that is, that Godsperfection proverb that he is Pleated withit and Loveth the holy : z. Arid that it is happinefs it fell as isaforefaid : And as this doth but fpeak the fuitablenefs of Gods Image to be the objeEl of his Love, andof obedience to be the Pleafing of his will ; fo it feemeth to me only to; mean that were there no Pofitive foopernatural promife, yet the very Law of nature (which is Gods fiat Law) containeth fuck a lignificationof his will [ that he will love, and biefs thole that lovehim and obey him ] as is indeed a kind of natural promife. And it is to be noted that all the Heathen World, who know not the written promife do agree in this as anatural Verity, that God lovethand is pl;afed withGoodnefs; love and obedience, and that it (hall go well with them that are fo qualified. And if we fhould forget the Papills, and preach to religious peoplewith us, that there is no Goodnefs in the Di- vine Nature and Image of God, and in Holy loveand obedient fruitful lives, for which God would love or bepleafed with fuch as have them (fuppoGug Redemption and the merits of Chrift) any more than with the yicked,if it were not that he hath promifed (as if he hadbeen fur- prized into a promife, not tinted to the nature of the thing,) this would be abhorred by thefame profellours, who in other words, as it feemeth to be against Pópery, will applaud it. But in all this you mutt remember, that it is prefuppofed that mans foul is before made God as Creator; and that he might annihi- late the moli holy Creature if he will : But he bath declared that he will not, partly by the Nature of his foul, and partlyby his natural and pofi- rive revelations : fo that it is prefuppofed that God. will continue us men g and then Holinefs will be a proportionableHappinefs. L. Bst i pray you giveme further proof that the Paps mean fo well andn°ax us as you defcribè thecafe. Cite rue the Authors. R. I. You