Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

270 Of the difference about mans Merits R. I. You mtl take nothing for their Religion but what is its their Councils : And you muff charge no errour on them but what you can prove : For the Acculer is the prover. And I before cited to you the words of theTrent Council. But I juftifienot allthat they there fay : Andone,paffage as it foundeth I greatly abhorr ; which is, that a tuft man loth not venially fin, much left deferve hell in every goodwork, Can. I I. de Juftif. whereas I doubt not but the very culpable defect of Love to God and other holy qualifica- tions defileth our belt works with fin : and every fin deferveth fome de- gree of a hell, according to the Law of Innocency : But if they mean, I. That Good works as fuch are not fin, 1. Or that our infirmi- ties are not fuch astowhichthe Law of Grace threatrieth hell andwill con- demn us ; we arethen of their mind, but We much miflike their words : For weretherenot an antecedent defectof hell, anda finfulnefs fo deferving ( though not by an tin-remediable guilt) there would be no need of par- don. But to fpeak freely, the Council Doltors feemed not well flocked in thedoifrineof theCovenants ( even Suarezde Legibew, oneof thebell, is herein fhort,) and fo to fpeak confufedly ofthere matters : But they feem moItly to takenotice only of the Law of Grace, and becaufe that accept - eth fincerity, and condemneth none for weer Infirmities, therefore they thencemeafure both fault andguilt (which they fhould not do :) For I find that theyRill prefuppofe Redemption and Pardon of fin, in the pre- fent cafe. But toproceed to their Doótors : Vega q. 4. deftnethMerit thus, [Me- ritum efl allio libera, acceptata ad aliquodpremium.] And de re, do you deny this t Davenport thus amendeth it tMeritum de condign eft allie libera ab boraine in gratia elicita, qua ex 7alätia acceptatar ad pràmitein, &c.) ( meaning luffitiapromi fforia. ) scoots t. 4. I y, q. i. &c. willnot have it meritorious becaufe it is done by grace, but by Divine decree, promife and acceptance. And this he (alleth Juftice, ex fuppofitione decreti & proini : Nei, igitrcr ex natura ailut eritar obligatio adpr.êmium, faith S. Clara : fäEtll úútempalltone eli debitumex juftitia : And thus fay the generality of the scotifts. Yet borne will not yield that God is fo much as a Prornifer left hebe obliged) butonly an Affertor: as s. Clara noteth. Tio.tYaldcnfii and forkOthers denyall imr#t fitly fo Called. De facrann. tit. I. Eckitc,Marflíut and Be/larmine faith S: Clara deify all merit of con. gruity. Greg.Arlm. t . d.17 . q, i. a a. faith that there is no merit of bleffed- nefs by condignity. Durandus 1.d: 21. q. t. faith there is nomerit of condignity with God, nil largo modo. SoMarfrlirrs in ä cl. zy. Bragenfrsín P/'ä1.34. PckiusinCent. dePre. deft. Defames, Stapleton and others, of whom S. Clara referreth youto Suá- rez in 3 'rho. ship. iò.fell. 7. q. 3. Bradwardine c. 39. fol.338. laboureth to prove that the increafe of Graceor Glory is not merited de condign°, but de congruo, and that all Ca- tholicks fohold. And next denyeth merit de congruo, and all by reafons which 8,Clara taketh to be valid. cote a Thom:fl denyethall merit de evergreen, and faith the Fathersheld it not. 4. d. t 4. q. a.'et: 5. er 1. a. de oat. & Grse. c. 4. Bonaventure 2. el. a3. a. z, faithPelagius erred I. In holding that the firl grace