Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

28 :fl e derence aboutr°.>'nanr Merits fententia eft heretica & contra Scripture ¿- Concilia; Verilos cathglica eft podGratin 7uftificans dattir fine rneritis , ¿ï. pod nemo fe,.valet .ád earn praparare fine auxilio fpeciati. Et P. 593, ultimo dzfpofuio;aa r¢= tiara ad quant infallibiliter fèquitur Gratia, non habetur ex fàcteltat zig, tune, fed tantum dono Dei fpecìali. Do you fay any more againi Pre- paration for Gracewithout Grace, or againft mans power to prepare him- felf or againft merit than all this L.But fore Luther and his fellowReformers had never (o much inveighed againft thePapifts in thepoint ofworks, Merits and yuftifrcation, if they had all taught no werfe than thefe which you have cited; .There are Purr many others that fay werfe. R. No queftion but the Ignoranceof thePriefts was fo great, and the carnal ends fo powerful with covetous proud men, which were ferved by the abufe of the Dodtrine of Merits andGood Works, that multitudes of fuch did ordinarily abufe it: If all Proteflants taught - the Prote(hint Do- thine uncorruptly, we Ihouldnot have had fo many differences and.:01:. vifions as we have had ; nor would one condemn another as you do usa' L. But;thou h the old Schoolmen might mean better, thole that Luther had to do with, didfare fpeak much werfe. R. I tell you, the Carnal and Ignorant. fort of Priefts and.Fryers:d d each man talk according to his model, and fo do all Sodts: Few had the Wit andSkill to open aright thecommonDodtrine:: But r. Our Dr.Field (of the ,Church) undertaketh to prove, that ( excepting the tyrannical Papal fadion, and the carnal and ignorant that ferved their ends, and by violence bore down the refs) thé chief of the Dodlors in the Church of Rome it felf, did hold the great Dodrines which the Proteflants agai(rft thePapifis do affert. 24 To tire you now with no more, I will cite but two of Luthers own adverfaries in his dayes. T. The firft is the Learn- ed Cardinal Contacenus Who lived in the time of Luthers Reformation: Read but his Notes on Luthers Articles, and his ?ralí. of 7ufüficatiou, Free-will and Predeflination, and you will fee that he faith almo(f,+aLs much for what you plead, as you would do your felf. I am loth to,tige. theReader with the citation of his words at large ; Turn to them -aped read them , and fee where.he differeth from us. I confefs the man was moderate ; but never accufed as differing herein from the Church of Rome, as in an Article determined of by their Councils : But their Do- ¿tors varioufly exprels themfelves. Theother is Fifher Bifhop of Rocheller one of the chief Martyrs of the Roman Cauce, beheadedbyHenry the Eighth for denying hisSupremacy ìn Caufes Ecclefiaflical: who in Opufcul. de fiducia b mifericordiu..D ( Printed Colon. 1556.) fpeaketh as much and plainly for the intereff of Faith and Merey, and Chrifts Redemptionas Protefiants ufe to do. fol,'I. Fide in Chrifîùm fola quis etiam citra quavis opera jufiiftcatur. Nam. gá propriis operibus quis jufliftcatus feierst, u habet unde glorietur apad fe: glorian enim petefi de operibus fiais quibus juflifrcatus eft Cater/cm qui non fuis eperibus, fedfide juf2us effeefus eft, haie de fe neutiquam ell gloriandum, fed de Deo quifidem ei dedit qua juflificatur. Introdä. cot itaque ScripturamPaulus qua non per opera,fed per fidem .4braha ftificationerye .imputat; nimirumut ita non fbi fed Deo totam ref'ratgára roam Ecce quia credidit Abraham, ideoper ftdem juflifrcatus Narn fi per opera fua juflitiam faiffit confecutus, jam nongracisiti' á /ruin Met data, fed magic operum refpeclu. Si juflifcatiolropteir opera conferatur, jam ex debito confertarpotiusquam gratis, hoc e/l, quanti per gratiam Cr ex gratuita Dee li6eralitate. Cat^rum é divarfo quando A