Az Of the difference about mans Merits, &c. ny eminent Divines among us r yea, or of many of the moii wife and accurate t For when all are much ignorant, who can fay, I do not err t L. But undoubtedly you will be as bitterly cenfuredfor theleyour fa- vourable interpretations of the Papifts in the point of Merit , as if you were half a Papilt your felf, and were but filch a Mongrel as Erafinus, Wicelius, Calfander,. or Grotius, or as ifyour Conciliatory: defigns worï carry' you as far at hill .0- Grotius, Mileterius, Baldwin, or at leafl, Mountague, Guil. Forbes, and Inch others went. And others will then fay, that you are ¡uflly ferved for writing fo much aQainfi Grotius and his followers on this account as you have done, ofwhich Bifhop Bramhall and his Epiftoler have already toldyou. R. Truth, honefty andGods approbation change not as mens interefts; minds or tongues do: Time will come, that Truth will be more regard- ed, when Love andPeace are to be revived ; nnlefs God will forfake this contentious and unrighteous World. And I 'am fo near, fovery near that World, where there is nothing but Truth, Love and Righteoufnefs, and where God is All, and the Fulnefs and felicitating objed`ì of holy fouls, and where the cenfures of men are of no fignification, that I am utterly unexcufable, if I Ihould betray the Caufe of Truth, Loveand Concord, to avoid the obloquy of men, who (peak evil of the things which they ne- ver underftood.