Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

vS.\ "tu-oAt. wmxé aA0,0 44,1 !ì6rrt io 7-)., ZII °ttolrib ì9niBiC 3U.niffi3S(1R -,r The Thirteeinth. Day-es TCONFERENCE. OF the great errours, lin and danger which many Ignorant Profcirours fall into, on the pretence of avoiding and abhorringPopery. Between S. ASeCEary, and P. A Peacemaker. Èighbqur, I underftand that youAre one of thofe that divulge your defamatory Lamentations of me as inclining to. Popery, for force paflàgeswhich I lately Preached in the City : I pray you fpeak that to my face which you fo freely fpeak behind my back. S. Sir, the Cityringeth ofyenas one that greatlywrongeth the caufeof God, And my own ears heard you fay that the'difference between us and the Papifts is little morethan in ambiguous words, and points unfearch- Able. P. And this Ì hear you are one that have divulged, and fo it is by filch a you that the Citÿis made to ringof in But if this be an untruth of great aggravation, do you thendeferve the title you affume, or are youa fit defender of the truth r or can your Confcience tolerate you herein That which I faid was this , Ì diftinguifhed the Controverfes between 'tus and the Paps into filch as dependon a Carnal ,Intereft and Mind, "and Pith as do not, but arife from the sneer &Aulty of the fubjeci c cc In theformer Tort Ifail our difference is very great, and likes to be fo ; "and fuch are the differences about their Papal power and Churchftate, " their Government, and worfhip asfitted hereunto; and manydoctrines, as that of Purgatory, indulgences, Auricular Canfefon abufed by them; cz Tranftebflantiation, &C. But the otherfort of doltrinals are made by cr many the matter of greater difference than there is caufe ; flab as I "named, Predeflination, Providence, the caufe of fin, mans power, and " ffre-will, Grace, certaintyoffolvation,, and Imight,have added, 144- er cation andMerit as held by their Church and milt of the sciioòlmen : not -"that here is no difference indeed g .but that long ffudÿ bath mademe cer- tain that it is more in words than is commonly conceived : And this - `c Truthis fit to be fpeken though the mffaken be offended by it. Tea in et theft matters the Papifls differ among themfelves as much aswithus. Dare yon deny that thofe were my words a If you do you are a falli- fi r. Öo a S. ruhen