Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

2S6 Of`.thegreat. Errar, Sin and Danger i z. And thus to. -make divifions among Chriflians, that fhould hold the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, will known,ta be,a'fin. 1.3. And fo it is hereby to harden the enemies of Religion, by yotir clamours and the divifionswhich you caufe ; and tempt hateboth you and us. 14. And it is worft of all to father all this on God, and Truth and Godlinefs, and ufe fuch holy Names for fo bada Caufe. 15. And it aggravateth your fin, that youtake no more notice ofall thofe plain and terrible Scriptures, which as openly condemn your fin, is the fin of Drunkards or Swearers is condemned: were it but Tames 3. =it would leave you utterly without excufe. s 6. Yea, and that you can fee the fins of fach Drunkards and Swean. ers, yea, and fee the Mote in the eyes of one that Both but ufe aPormor Ceremonywhich youdiflike, and cannot fee thefe Beams in your own. For all thefe fins I admonith you prefently to repent. S. Who is it that is cenforious? yy.0 or I? It is fin with you to open your fin. P. I defired you to open it : But fee now how hard awork Repentance is, when in a Profefior fuch fins as theft will not be confeffed. S. well, come to the caufe it fell : Is it I or you that comply with Papifts c P. I make that the bufinefs of this Conference with you : It is, not you only, but Tome wifer men than you, that look fo auch at the' evil ofPopery, that they forget the evil of an unrighteous oppofition, and of the other extream: And they do as one that by labouring to cure ano- ther of a Dead Palfie, caftethhimfelf into a Phrenlie or a Fraver : or like one that to avoid aCarrion that ftinketh in the Ditch, doth run himfelf into the Ditch on the other fide the way. GodsTruthmutt be vindicated only by Truth ; and Wifdom is belt juftified of her o:r.n children by Wifdom. God hath no pleafure in fools, nor doth his Glory need our lye. There is a time when the Devil will feem to be againft error and fin ( and fo againft Popery) : but it is in a way which flail promote it : which commonly is by ill-doing and over- doing. I tell you plainly, the Cause of Truth and Reformation gets nothing by force men that feemmott zealous for ir. For an unftudied half-wife honeft Minifter or privateman to believe falfe reports of the Papifls, and to mif-ftatr s ontroverfies, and to rail on them on fuch fuppofitions, and to mix many errors of his own in his oppofition, and to backbite chofe that know more of the matter, as fymbolizing with thePapif1s, this is certainly ferving the Devil, howho- och focver the instruments in the main may. be. S. I perceive that you have an aking tooth at the Protchant Divines a well as at me : Areyou wifer than all they? or are you not warping to Grotianifm whichyou have written againfl? P. Among the Froteflane Divines there arewell ftudied, knowing, fálid men, that underhand what they fay, (fach as Bifhop Zither, Dr. Chalo- ner, Dr. Field, Dr.:r'hite, Chillhsgworth, Morton, Davenant, Andrews, and many fach ; and abroad, Camero, Dallæur, Blonde'', Drelincourt, Amy- ratdus, Placaus, Yr/bus, uniu, Martinius, Gratin, Bergius, Bucer, Mrsf- cultic, Melanchthcn and many others :) and thereare ignorant, hot -headed, fef-conceitcd men, that rave in extreams, ( as Gallus, Àmhfdorfius and their companions did againft Georg. Major, for Paying [Bonn opera fins 'wee:gar/a ad falsatem ] ). And it is no wonder, that the belt Churches have many inch ; and if fuch are the forwardeft to judge and cry down all :,iu