Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

mhich slowÿ fäll iñtësiApPit.14-tAbl tïVAllc -Poperys all that are not as ignoráJt)a they ,"And in our times, the World is more beholden to the fets nets of buyers, and the wit ofBookCellers re fuling to Print them, than CO the humility or =deity of fuch men, that the Shops do not abound with fuel furious Writings, as Mr. Brotivner 4ntichriffonachs , Mr. Dancers, Mr. Bagfbaty, &c. and that Antichrifi,, Antichri, is not made in Print the Univerfal Confutation offobertrutt, sisrcommonly as it is bawled out in. words. S. h it not fafeff to get far enough from Antichr ifs and Popery ? Tour find, is to teach' men how near they may come to fin without fin ; and .hour to dance about the brink of Hell: For mypart, I will be one ofthym that ¡ball come out of Babylon, and partake not of her fins, no mach the unclean thing, and that keep their garments undefiled; and not one that like you is grown Lukewarm by being overfondofUnity andPeace: You will followGrotius it's doubt at loll. P. Uncleannefs mull not be touched, nor finpartaked of, nor lukewarm: indifferency to fin entertained ; we 'mutt go as fat from fin , as we can. But, poor deceived fouls run into it, under the conceit of going far enough. from it, and fometimes into greater than they avoid. S. what fin have fach Proteftants run into in their oppofition to Popery r P. Í will tell you fome, I. In Dolirrine : and II. In the confequents and praaice. I. It is more than one injudicious Protefiant Divine that bath printed fuch unfound Opinions as there in oppofition to Popery for want of judgement. I. While they plead againft theRomifb falfeTradition, theyhave weak used faith, by denying that neceffary ufe of Hiorical Tradition of Scri- pture whichChriftianity doth fuppofe : As others have denyed the need- fary ufe of Reafon unto faith. ) a. They have wronged the Church by undervaluing the Tradition of- the creed and the Elfentials of Chriftianity, by, many means befides the Scriptures. 3. They have muchw.tdnged theProtefiantCade by denying theper- petual vifibility of the Church, andalmoft given it away, as I have ¡hewed again('7ohnfon. , . 4. And their denyal of its Univerfälity, and confining it long to the waldenfes and fuch others, is an exceeding injury to the Church and' Truth. g. And fo is fome mens over-doing as for theScripture, who teach men that they can be no furer of Chriftianity, (asdelivered many years in Baptifm before any of the NewTeftament was written, ) than they are that there is no one error in all the Bible, by the carelefnels of the Scribes and Printers, nor any humanefrailty in the phrafe. 6. And allo their feigning the Scripture perfedlion to conflit, in its be- .ing apt-fiat/4r determiner of all thofecircumftances of which it isonly a general rule. 7. And thole that make every form ofprayer, or ceremony to be An -' tichriftian. 8. And thole that make 3ufiifying faith to be a certainty or fall per-, fwafon thatwe are elated and pardoned and íua11 be Caved. 9. And thofe that fay, that To believe that I am juftified is to believe Gods Word, or fides divina; either (as molt fay)- beeaufe one of the premifes is . in Scripture, or (as excellent faith) becauFe theWit- <nefs of theSpirit is Gods Word. so. And