2$8 Of thegreat Errórss Sin and Danger to. And thofe that fay All that have true faith, are pure, they have fuch : ( asKeckerman and too many others. ) t a. Thofe that denyChrift to have made any Law. 12. And thole alfo that afferttmputationof (Thrifts Righteoufnefs in that fence which I have proved to fubvert theGofpel. 13. Andthofe that deny Faith it fclf to be Imputed for righteoufnefs. 54. And thofe that deny that there is any perfonal Evangelical Righ- teoufnefs in our felves that is any way neceffary to our Juflification. 15. And thofe that lay all the ftrelsof Faiths ÿallrfying us on theno- don of Inftrumental efficiency. 16. And thofe that fay is e are Juftified by noad of faith , but its re- ceiving ChriflsRighteoufnefs; and #1l other ads of faith are the Works by which none is juftified. 17. And thofe that fay, that Evangelical obedience is not meritorious as it fignifieth only Rewardable in point of PaternalEvangelical Govern- ing Jultice, and as all the antient Fathers ufed that word; becaufe we merit not by cornmutation. 18. And chofe that fay , that man bath no free-will (at all, of any fort ) co fpiritual good. 19. And thofe that fay, that Chrift was in Godsreputation,the greateJJ firmer, or wicked man, Adulterer, Muíderer, hater of God in. all the world. zo. And thofe that fay, that he fuffered in foul Pain altogether of the fame kind with chofe that thedamned fuller inHell. 2t. And chofe that in oppofition to. the Popifh Government, Confef- on, Aufterities, and feveral ads ofWorfhip, do run into the contrary ex- tream, againft due Governméni, Confeflion, Aufterities, &C. And thole that from dark uncertainty or a minus notis do gather many conclufions againft known truth.. I pats by fuch as the Antinomians, who as' I have proved , fubvert the Gofpel it fel'f, by running into the contrary extream from Popery. S. Tou are as bad 'as,Parker, or the Debate-maker, that thus lay lean dal on the Reformers themfelves. If thofe were their faults, you Amid' cover Them, and nor open' them. Thee hadabuen enough for a Romifh Rabíhakeh. P. You know not what it is that you fay. This is to abhorr repea tance, and to preferr the,hónour of man before the 'honour of God: yea, to let the flume be call onGodsWord andReligion, left theei:rorof man be (hawed. But all men are lyars ( that is, fallible) and God is true. He that : confeffeth and fórfäketh his fin 'fliall'have mercy , but he that hideth ir, than not profper. Are there not with you, even with you al fo ( faith the Prophet) fine againft the Lord our God e Why bath God! recorded iaScripture_ the faults of fa many of his fervants, and firer them to Itch open' Confeffrons t. DidPaul wrong Peter and Burnabás, Gal. a ?: of the Miniftry when he Paid , All fib their own thingsand none the things of afus Chrift? or did the Evangelifts wrongal' Jr; è Dif- ciples, by laying, that They all forfook him andfled? or zanies áIACtifi= loans, :laying la mzart9 things we lend alt ? I chink the Prioni < eldi- tense of many Profeffors, that will not confefs fin, not endure stitbeic4 led to it, left Religion be difhonónred, is that great dilhonouïïbl$léhg?on which God 'hath been long punifhing us for. When fuch evils7#iáke^ liëdñ heldand donnas our age hath known, either it muft be faid t ärthev are not evil, or that they are. If we deny it, and fay they are 'Gods TrrtiA) and mans duty, we feign .God, and Scripture, and Religion to be for'W that evil, ( which is to blafpheme ). If we fay it is evil, we Milli faythe iS e=