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which- fa ;plc ónprete pf avÖl ópéry. P. r.- Were you perfwadable I would perfwade your not ignorantly-Us conrradiét tliërtrhth of ott,`äñd callit'Popër} ;nor `tiefht up certain ffalfd prTricongru5ftanotrons 'andpretend theihbreat and ìíeceflay verities, hot tomake a ittt for forceOdd unfound opinions, received Upon crud frornithofe that you thought -heft öf, and to buzz abroad fufpicions of Popery; agaúíft thofethat have more underftanding and confcience than to ámttate you nor to fly in the facesof Gods faithfulleft fervants ( much - lets to are-your tongues to tiaekbitethem ) asif theywere Antichriftáan, becaufe they are not as fhamefully ignorantand deceived as youare : And I would 'perfivadè you to ffudyand'digeft well what you cake the boldnefs to (peak againft, and not to talk confidently and furioufly againft that which you never un- derftgod for it.,ts4thefool that rageth and is ion dèüt, Prov. 'i4. 16. I Mould think I had. les a greater work than to build twenty loch Cities ac Landon or to conquerall the Turks dominions, if I could but perfwàde all that teemReligious to bridle their Tongues, left their Religion be in vain, and intleadof rafts and bufie talking of things that they underftand nor,' andof rafh judgingand reviling men wiser than themCelves, but to S US- PEND their J UD G E M EN T S, and flay till they have taken time tohear, read or confider what is neceflary to the true underftandingof the cafe, and not to fhame themCelves, and abufe their brethren, and God trims Pelf, and wrong and corrupt the hearers minds, by railing at that to day, which if they ftudy hard and grow wifer, they will afterwards believe themCelves; z. And I would not have you think it good or lawful to bely a Papift; and faythat he holdeth what he doth not ; nor to pretend that they differ in the fenfeand matter,when the difference is but in the words : and then to think that all your injuflice and falfe-dealing is excufeable, if you do but fay that fome Godly Divines, or Religious people, Paid fo before you, and you can prove out of their writings that you are not the firft that did the wrong : Nor wouldI have you charge the unmeet or unfound expreffions; of every ignorant, railing Papift, on all that are called Papifts, no nor onall their Church: And therefore I would have you well read and underftand their writings beforeyou venture too far in your accufations. You would not be ocherwife dealt with your Pelf ; nor have theProteftant Religion (or the Non-conformifts) charged withevery unfeafoned orunwarrantable fen- tence, of the many weakWriters that have felf-efteemenough to obtrude their fentimentsupon theworld. ThePapifis have too many errours, and too great : you need nor feignthem tobe more or greater thanthey are. 3. And I would perfwade you not to take all that live under the Roman power and are called Papifts to be of the fame mind or rank, nor todamn any more than you are lure Chrift will damn: but to confider what the Judicious Dr. Field undertaketh ( and B. Morton in his Apologie hath performed) even to prove that there are no confiderable doettines which conftitutethe Proteftant Religion as different from Popery, which were notbefore Luthers Reformationdefended by the greateft Dodtors in the Church of Rome, thoughthe defenders ofthem were difcountenanced and ,born down by the Papal factionby power and violence. 4. And I would perfwade you to believe r at the nameof Antiehrift will not warraneyou to lay by that Love andmeeknefs and Juftice which is due to>ntankind, yea and which heathens ulyd to each other, and which you wouldhaveall men ufe to you : The fervant of the Lord muff not fir ve; butbe gentle to all men, apt to teach, patient (or forbearing,) in nieekqefs inftruiting oppofers, z Tim. 2. 24, 25. and if it bepoffrble, as much as in you lyeih, you mnft live peaceably with all men, Rom: 12.18. and there-. Pp 2 fore