nhich manyfall into onpretençe of azoicdinn Poper }r. "SacredHoff nothing but BlefjedBread, at laft being commanded todo re "vercnce CO the Hoff, he blalphemoufly anfwered, . t spider is wortbáieli ofReverence. And prcfently a great and horrid Spider defcending froiz2' "the top of the room by his thread, made diredily to the Blafphemesl "-mouth, and laboured to get in while hé fpake. The Iiluftrious Princes "rhomaas Duke of oxford then Chancellor of theKingdom, law the prd1 b' digit : whichfo confirmed them of Gods revenge, that; they burnt the " man'. Saith the fame Ty»plusTheatr. p. 148a [ " Oecolámpadius an Apoftate ' marriedMonk an. 1528. was ftrangled by the Devil in AIR, ( asLai " ther reporteth,in his Book of the private Mafs) :, a death worthy his "life. ' Luther writeth that he had proved it. ( cxplorati7mum:effe) that "pecalampadius -was killed by the fiery weapons of the Devil. ] "Caroloflaäius an. 1S30. ftrangled by the Calvinian God went quickly t' to Hell, asErafmus'4lbertus reporteth. " :abn Calvin was confumed of the lowfié difeaCe, the Worms eating cc through all his body, with blafpheming words , turfed God and called " on the Devil, and committed his foul to him, an. 1567. faith Boifec in "vit. cabo. t. za. Beza writeth, that Calvin tormented four years mile- "rably at laft eaten with fwarming Lice dyed unhappily and filthily. "Pad.154. Luther having fupped daintily and gone merry to bed, was "ftrangled in thenight. Yb. Bortus de fig. Feel. 1. 23. fa. 96. c.3. faith "that he was certified by a Boy that ferved Luther and-turned to them, 'C that Luther hang'd himlelf, but they fwore all the houle to concealit. Tbid. id. [ "They fay ( faithBozius) that when Bucer was dying, a " horrid Devil flood by and almoft frightned all prefent to death,ofwhom " he ( Bucer) was ftricken that hemight carry away his foul; for being "pull'd out of the bed,his bowelsbeing 'tattered all about the Bed chamber, "and he killed with many torments, did expire.] How like you fuch work as this r fuch horrid lees, of things fully known t Should not the deteftation of thetas make us afraid of coming near them by any imitation, and to take heed what we believe or fay of others t Abundance more fuch Stories, Miracles and Progidies you may find in Tympius and cefarius befides many others. Read but chofe two Books and you will fee who be the great pretenders to Prodigies andMi- racles, and readieft to proclaim Gods Judgements on others, when they that think theydo it for the honourofGod, alas, are unawares moved to it by the intereft of that Caufe and Party which is fo much theirown, as that it may be called Their own Intereft. S. well, for all this, I take it to be Gods Mercy to ?offers the unlearned profeffors themfelves, with fo reat a zeal againfl all that favoureth of Popery ; fo that were it not for them, the MinJlers themfelves would comply further than they do : But when they fee that it is the fenfus communis fidelium, and they mull lofe all the good people if they comply, it holds them in. many that cannot difpute againfl Popifh errors and pa-, ¿Pees, can hate them. P. No doubt, but the habit of Divine Love, doth hold many good Chriftians much falter to God and the certain Effentials of Chriftianity and Piety, than the f rongefi difputing Reafon would do without it. But if you will fay the fame of doubtfuldulputations, you will much miftake. In many fuch things the ftridfer profeffors go with the ftréam of their par- ty, and follow them that carry it for the reputation of molt godlinefs, or thofe leaders-or friends that have molt advantage on them. And dothey not ufe the very faine argument as you in different Countreys for different and