.greet 4r,ror,$ii And contrary caufes ' In Germany the Comrriunir fenjus fd`lium iS onl;; thing, and in England another , and in Franie,anothex,iii fueh`matteras. Yea, in the fame Countrey in feveral times. 'Lean remen4e"firiceamou theReligious ftriCter party, it was abominable. toWear long bait, even cover the ears, and now thefe twenty years they many ofthem'fxceed thóCe " that then were accountedRuffians. It was then a crime is jih them to taker Tobacco, and now -it- is none: and thus cuflome changes the 'Matter with them. And nosy in Tome Congregations they will not fine i4 l'fälms ír1 others they will not read the Scripture; In others thefe can be" enduret' but not the Me of the Creed , Lords Prayer and Decalogue ; In others that much, but no Forms ofPrayer of mans deviling : In others, the M nifters own felf-impoled Form, but none impofed by Superiours In one' Congregation they are commonly for Univerfal Redemption and Free-wilt; and in another commonly againft it : And why then would you perfwade . us, that in fuch things as thefe, the common fenfe of the faithful goeth aft one way, when they ufually are carryed down the ftreamof pious reputáfl tion where they live And indeed you have fmall reafon to be glad, that Minifters have the temptation of popular efteem or cenfure to conflict with, or that Co many are conquered by it. Is it a lovely thing to hear filly women ( ever learn- ing, or rather hearing, but never coming to á competent knowledge offuck matters) to cant outagainft their Teachers [Antichrrjfian] and [Poperyl upon words or actions not underftood, which fuit not with their valet conceits S. It is one ofthe artifices ofthe Papifts whichyou have learned : When they would draw men to fer light by the purity of Religion and the !For'', ¡hip ofGod, to cry up Love andConcord andPeace zricad of it, and fö- e rye all mens tongues and hands from refilling their wicked church-po4'u. Pens, by the fear of schifin, or being uncharitable to the polluters. And fo you will draw men to an indiifferency on Religion on pretence of Peace and Charity. P. I am certain that the Wifdom from above is fir(t pure, and tíeri peaceable, and gentle, ¿v. 3. 17. and it ever takes in both. And I am fure that Chrift firft and his Apoftles after him make Love thefumm of our Religion. I think it not amifs to tell you, of this, what an old Non - conform, faith in a Latin Treatife called De vera & genuina j'eftr Chirifli Religione, Authore MinifiroAnglo, p.36, 37, 38, 39. The ts'orda are too large to recite, but in fhort he laboureth to prove, that nextFaith in God and the Redeemer, Love is the Chriftian Religion it felf, and fetä, inflead of Ceremonies and penal Jess ifh Laws , as the Great Law Of Chrifl, and the fulfilling of all Laws, anfwering his own Office, and fa his rrew andgreat Commandment and the Charabter of his people, and fo theCommunion of the Saints is our faith and life. And that to believe in God the Father, Son andHoly Ghoft, and Love him andone another, 'is the Colpe], and our true Religion: And that when it comet, to Cere Ironies, Rituals and externals, this frill is Chrifisvoice, [ Go learn whet this meaneth, Pmill have Mercy and not sacrifice.] But know you not that you come up to the worfer part of roper); when you imitate the bloodieft men among them in your degree, by plead- ing for Sacrifice againfl Mercy ? A cruel Religion, and burning andde- ft oying men, and fetting Kingdoms on fire, on pretence of keeping`out Heretic andSchifm, and preferving the right Faith, and Government, and Worlhip, is the malignity of Popery. When either They or You grow wrathfully zealous againft your Brethren on pretence of purity of Faith or Worfhip