and Decrees of god, &c. proof bidets his Oinnipotency Caufe it: And to fay that it followeth LogicallyNecetateConrequentie, though not Cau¡ally necefitateeffetti vel confequentis; that what God willeth to be, (hall be, is mó(1 certain : And fo is it from his fore- knowledge ( which medium yet the Scotifis fay is here infufficient. ) But that is becaufe it is here fuppofed that what God fo knoweth orwilleth to be future, hewilleth to be future by thecaufation of fome Caufe : for he willeth not any thing to be without a Caufe. Be- fides that ítillfin is not willed by him to be future at all. 146. And here I am to confute the forefaid reafonof Rada ( recited The/.13o.) G'ád, faith he, fore knoweth fin, in that heknoweth that he decreethto permit it. And Dr. V1141often faith, that all confefs, that Perrnion certainly inferreth the event ofthe thing permitted. I anfwer; }There is not fo much as any great appearance of the Truth of the con(c- quencennlets limited. To Permit is nothingbutnon- impedire, not to hinder. And if a thingwill come to pais becaufe it is not hindered, then theworld would have been made without God , and man faced without God, if he wouldnot hinder it. Try if yuur work will be done meerly by your not hindering it. , 147. Indeed thewordPernaiffion is oft ufed as a complicate notion, fig- hifying both thepermifo s and the eventpermitted : But that'snothing to the nature of properpermifhon it felt 148. A man may behindered, r. Morally; and that t. By,Commands, .By Threats, 3.By Promifeand perfwafion ; 4.By Gifts.; 5.By terrifying tripes on himfelf or others. In all thefe ref-peels God permitteth not fin, but hindereth itby them all. 549. 2. Or aman may be hindered Phyfically. And that 1. By total reffraint and difabling, a. O'r by leffer impediments which make not the aft impoffible, but difficult. God cloth not álwayes thus hinder fin, and therefore thus hepermitteth it. He doth not difable the.finner, e.g. to lie: And hecloth not alwayes render it diffa'cnit to him. But it followeth not neceffarily, that this it be done, becaufe it's poffible ; no nor becaufe it is eafte or not di,Jficul to be done. 15o. * Bitt the Cafe differeth as to permitting of aprgpenfe agent, and in indifferent agent, and a contrarily difpofed agent. To permit alone to afcend, will not snake it attend. To permit the Air tomove, will not Mike it move. But to permit a flnne in the Air to fall; Ì thinkwithDu- rands, is enough to make it fall, fuppofingthe continuationof the Nature of it and all circumftanccs. And fo is it inpermitting fome finners to fin. a 5t. But yet here wemull diftinguifh; J. Between anecelary and,afree agent, 2. Between Adams finning and ours; 3. And between the fin of amanftrongly inclined or but weakly, or that hash many diftwvafions or but few. i. Though a bad man be under, a moral neceffiryof finning in the general, that is, of not living innocently, yet he is not under aneceffity of committing every fin that he committeth : not is it avalid confequence, He is a bad man : Ergo he will do this, and that, and the other Sin : Be- caufe a free agent oft alleth contrary to his habits. 2. And foreSinners have fo great impediments in finning, that they land long in aquilibrio before the ad. 3. And Adam had no more propenfity tohis firl fin, than to the contrary : So that barepermiffion will not inferr the Certainty of all fin; at leaf; and therefore will not here ferve, turn: 152. But faith Rada, it is not common permif ion, but altoa withdraw- ingofefftual helps againfl fin. Anfw. r. God did not fo by Adam at firl. 2. But are fufTacient ornecefary helps alto withdrawn, as well aseff'itoial? If fo, then Adam was as much neceffitated to fin by God, as hewas' to dye E by *See inAlliacb after cited the notable reafons by which the Nominals con= fate Status in this opini' on ( whichyet Dr. 2'mijfe Pref. ad 1. depent. Mid, . faithdid firff invite hit! to School'divinity. ) 1-This alfoAnnatss deSci' eat. Media cont. Miff. granted' himcap. 5.5. t. But notas ex ration per^ mitons, butby hypo:he- ticalConnotation, Becaufe we ale the word Permit faon about that which alinnde will he if per- mitted. So that it is a Compoundnotion, when thus 'Zed, *Ruiv.depcedet.Tr.2.di e 12. §. 1, 2. p. 172. fa definethPermdfon as f confefs fo it is pofitively decreed : viz. ( rncrsa' tam parr,, Pem Deus non prodefanit.) ereata pe)= mi o liimai complerlitnr gnarundam rare-e prod*. Chocem dr aüarum rarem nrgationem, quilos pq;tis rompermittaun'. And by permili:on they will mean quid pofiticum, it mull have. a poftive Will and Caufe; but what's that to the Nega- tive,or mcegnon impedire? (Thus(ll ti! our wrang- (hfiall be but above amgbtguoiswords.) His reáfon §.2. is, Permtllion offin is good 1. Mega- Co d'olition/a eficacia qua Deca impedirci psccatum. ( And he laid that par- m{!fo increata is not de- creed. ) 2. Nigatio ma tivornm, dre. 3. Prod:: Clio dr corrftitutio tir- cúmlantiarum. 4. Gear- rah: concurfies. elnf.l.Noe thing is not Good : meet Negations are Nothing. 2. Moral Negations or Logical (that is, Denyat and reftramts)are Come- thing, and havea Caufe: 3. Produllion and Cs',- urfasare fomething and havea Caufe ; but fo is not a meernon-i nped iti- on,whiehis proper per- mi!ì.on.