Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Decreer of god, &.,c. the firft, they dèftroy their doétrine of Predetermination : Por what is that but Gods Phyfical irrefiftible efficacious promotion, determining the with to ad ? And what is natural neceífication if this be not If the latter, then theycontradiét their own definition of Liberty, which they oft give us, that it is Liberty from natural neceffuy (which Twit calieth Llber- tad natures diftinéi from Libertas conditionis, vel civilis.) And what more natural neceffity than that which refuiteth from that premotion of God as the firft caute of all aótion, without which no agent natural or free canad, and which nonecan refill 169. Their opinionof Liberty alto leaveth nodifference between bruitifh appetite or ffrontaneity, and free-will, fave .only that this loth followrea- fen : which indeed is a difference of Guides, but not of Liberty. 170. And according to this opinion, if God gave saran power to move anymans will to fin byas true a phyfical motion and as unrefifti- ble as I move my pen, it were no conflrairw, nor lofs of natural Liberty, becaufe it is moved tobe willing. tqt. Andif they lay all onthe Ads congruity to the Habit or Incli- nation, then if Satan could infufe unrefiftibly into the will, an inclina- tionto hate God or to any fin, and then .phyfically determine it accord- ing to thatinclination, it were no force, or lofs of natural liberty. 172. But I think he that by irref flible efficiency makes a mono will wicked both in its Inclination and Aar, doth incomparably more agaipft himand his liberty, thanhe that could force his tongueor hand againflbis Will, or he that only tempted and perfwaded him. 173. The grand Reafons why we cannot receive the Dominicans dodìrine ofpredetermining premotion, are elfewhere given; I now name but there three, a. Becaufe (whatever vain talk is ured to blind men ) aò r. d.';E. j. it maketh God the foie- tonal-firft-necefftating caufe of all the fin that is r. Belot. nræfcientia nei committed in the world, or can be. a. It unavoidably deftroyeth the robe onprg iitcumeeóma- Chriftian faith : For if God be really the Paid determining Caufe of all do res cognafcat quo Pete lyes and other fins in the world, then his Veracitywhich is the formal ob- runt Duplex eft ne- jeét of faith, is gone: And no mortal man can tell whether' Prophets and `eeó sun cotbnletneilion- Apoftles are predetermined to fpeak true or falle, nor when God moveth our necep. confequtntis : them to the one or the other : For toCall theirmotion by the name of In- Repaint: dieing necepi- tas cenfequentiæ : hæc fpiratien, will fatisfie no man, that Gods Infpiration can do anymore non opponiturcontingnton-- ( at leaft to intereft himfelf in the ad) than his neceffary phyfical pre- let fiamb tat,onvetuc__ moving determination. 3. Becaufe it feigneth God to damn moft of the tan abfoluta , fed feiern world for not-conquering God, who infuperably predetermined them to the confequentiæ. forbidden adt; that is, for not being Gods, or greater than God : And dub l,D' phone o..ée. that he Pent Chrift to die only for thole fins which he thus pre-moved us fras, confequentiæ dr. con- to irrefiftibly, and it was as impoffible to forbear, as to touch the reequentis : Bene requite necePaoe cenfequent , i.e Moon. Dens wilt me crag fe(fre- 574. In the ifl'ue of all there Controverfes, the fharpeft con- run:, ergo fedebo: ronfe- tenders feem agreed, whether they will or no : Arminien granteth that tannen uobomotin- all events of fin or damnation are from eternity neceffary neceftate con- rit, ergo movetur. fequentia, * which is (as is laid ) but a Logical neceffity in ordine pro- Nos concedimos Liberian arbitrium in ee good agie, bandi : that is, It is agood conlequence,. [This God fore-knoweth, ergo liberano e/fe ab union ne- it will come to pap] And it is only the neceftas' con/equentis which he celiitate, "t. non po tneccGarioagerequoad denyeth . (which Rob. Baroniúd Metapb. ealleth nice ta.c eaufata, and I coercition fui aetra;quar- 1 ad rather call nece tad effetli) which is in ordine produclionis: And n ro/Joh u Divinæ nodi- "Dr. Thiif doth fharpiy reprehend him for feigning that he or any natiéravat, ;ninfa others do aflert any more than acceffitas confequentia : And bringeth in taro,.&nern,at. lì.4..4. the teftimonyof many Schoolmen profeffing concordantly that there is no ácauiSiepl ctit ui more than this, which all() fore-knowledge it felf will inferr g Ifs worth ny,no doubt. the