Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

andDecreeofgod, &c. bring no other neceffity but of Losicäl lequel, and be no real caufe of the thing,it felf, I confefs I underftandnot what theymean, nor know what Liberty is if the will have not a Power to áéì without fuch d Predeter- mination. 177. The fame I fay of Camera's and others way of predeterminingby ñ la.. ç. 8. lib. a chain of neceJ tatingCaufes, viz. that God by theobject neee tatefh the i>ennor. p eep. I. e.3. ai of the Intellect in 'pule. a. And that the Intellect neceffitateththe Will. P.46>47r &c. Scot. 2. L For all cometh to one, if all finfulVolitions be neceitated. Nor will it 6. B nns`19pgl`83.a i. fatisfie any man well that camera doth refolve all mans fin into the De- dub. 2. cant.2. S.2.. ma et. vils. temptation as a necetating carafe, till he know into what tö refölve ÿ:á96íi 1,,* 6. afgae. iä the Devils fin Andhemay turn Manicheein time that cati believe that God gave the Devil power to neceffitate innocent man to fin, and bring all fin and mifery on the world; much more he that faith; that God did all this himfelf. 178. Asthere is Libers Polentas, and Liberum arbitriuñs, or Libertas Yoluntatis, & Libertas hominn, fo there is a coac1ion or conftraint of the ca-aaion in ,fenfu compas Will and of the Man. I fhould take mywill to be conflrained, if by an !it'd. is a contraai&oti impoßible : but not tinrefiftible power it were fuddenlymade impious in alt and habit, or ei- in f nra dinifo ; to be ther. But the mart is not faid to be conffraitìed, fo long as he hath 'his forcibly or ,by nmerfì . ble. power. made willing will. ofunwilling. 179 Theunhappy defcriptlonsof free-will, which I mentioned,Janfe- Yet in a large fenfe I nias hath ro. 3. li. 6. de Grat. Salvo. cap. 5: 6, 6. And Annates de In- confefs that Voluntariùm taao a Li6ertate confuteth them at large .: As (Implicat contradillionem quátafeelilibirxml ut roluntas feu Volitio non fit libera, feat implicat ut ralendo non ve- liinus. Lacet Contradillia in eorum dicks qui dicunt roluntatem, id eft; rdlitionem effe poffe qua non fit libera. Aped Auguflinum effe liberam, effe aliquam haminis Angeli roluntátem feu ralttionem pro üfdeni prorfitsufurpantur. YoluntasfeuValitio, & libera voluntasidemell,fcut relie b libere [Telle : Impofbile eft ut [Telle non fat liberum ] Lege edam Annatum & Peruviam Cont. rincent.Lerinenf.; &Pennoti propugnacul. hat plenius trtilfans. 180. The Libertyof thewill confiftethnot in filch an Indifference as iéß. Cs.n. camerär. scòü leaveth it in aquilibrie equally inclinedto this or that (AsMacedo againft n.Milos Moral. fence é ii Tho. white confeffeth with others ; ) For then all Habits. or Inclinations betty asn s vingde to this rather than that, deftroyed Liberty i But in in Indetermination fe tibility. with a Power of felf-determining : which power is called Indurent, becaufe it is a Power to this or that, and not becaufe it is equally inclined, no nor equally a Power to either. For there may be ine- quality. 181.When Dr.} rwi ffe with Bradwardine *aboutthe definitionoffree- t Twig. de Scienr:Méd.1 .2' suif, ((whichpetiteomnibus adagendum requifitispotefl agerevel nonagere) Ann P de Scient. Med. limiteth [omnibus ] to fecond antis, Annatesplayeth upon his overfight, Dity ,;, o. 6.6. 9.p. Iss. asifhe faid that [Agere poet voluntas fine requifitis ex parte carafepri- * Vid. Brádward. i. g. erra, ] But no doubt Dr. Two f fe meant the limitation as to the non-agere to, II, ér papini, only : and that with the explication [non quafa morio Divina fit inter eju f modi pre-requifita qua voluntatem creatam indferentem relingtiat. ] Though indeed we cannot imagine that the_caufe fecunda' fhould operate and potent omnia ad agendum requiftta fine prima. And we may well fay indeed that voluntas potefl non agere, if the fecond.caufe only do its part, when non poteft omnino agere. This therefore fhould be becter opened. 18a. If by [omnibus requifitis] be meant only [mere neceffariis fine quibus agere non potefi voluntas] this taketh not away the Moral ( much lefs the Natural) Power ad agendum vel non-agendum; nor neceffarily,