Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

32 Ofthe sNjature,Nnon'ledge, Will * That Augnft. Anfelme , neceflarily determineth it. But there may be fuch an effe£tual or * potent Lom, uin. a', operation on held bard tome Aq Liberty Scatn eon- p the will, as flail Certainly and Con/tautly determine it, by filent with neceílity, fee caufingit to determine it felf:.and antecedently takeaway its/won/power th0eirwords cited byPen- ad contrarian, though not its Natural. Of the difference between the d fo dort,Alphaca / An ftr. Natural and Moral power, .I (ball fomewhat infift, and elfewhere more adverf..Harer.. In verb. at large. Libert.: for which fee Rada vat.,. mort accu- 183. TheN41ur41 Libertyof the Will mull be diftingui(hed from its rately. Moral Liberty (from evil difpofitions) and its Political Liberty ( from } nidfit ziberrns, vide reftraining Laws. ) &kam. Q odl. I. q.r6. 18.4. The Natural Liberty feemeth to 1` confift in there three things; &Scot. t. d. 39. lit. F. 1 That theWill as a finite dependent Creature, be a Power. given and &WaldenfDoR.fid,an- upheld by God of Pelf-determining or morally fpecifying its own nitr, tiq. ii. i. e. 25. &Medio. without any neceitatin .Pre-determiner (Divine or humane. Where ,. 2. q. 6. art. 2. Cannes g ) 1. p. q. 83. art. 1. dub.2. note that all Divine Predetermination taketh not away that Liberty : But conci. 2. prob. 4. and not to be able todetermine it ff l without Divine Phyfical Efficient Pre- many defnit. cited by y pennottus1:1. C. 33. p.63, determination, is,inconfiftent with its Natural Power and Liberty. a, Lie Yid. rooter.l.1.:c.3. five berty containeth theWills Empire over the inferiour faculties (refpeétive- is no pe Liberty.: ftr Cut ly with variety, Defpotical orPolitical.) j. To be from under thepower on. And whereas cap.14. of any creature, asto neceftation. he maketh only Ele- 18S As the Paffevale hoc vel illad velle out no velle ( in quite ¿lion as diftintt from Volition ( in four re- dam) fine divinevol alia extrinfca predetermination, is the WillsNa= fpeds) ro be the formal tural Liberty, fo not to bepre-determined to fin, ( in ail or habit ) by ad of the Will as free, God or creatures isthe wills Political Freedom, or Libertas conditions, as it is true as freedom is o taken in the narrowed Dr.Tntiffe calleth it : which Godhimfelf hath given it, and never taketh fente , as above-cited : away from it. Cut there is a freedom alfo of all Volitions : 184. And tobeHabitually and Aclaally Holy, is the Wills Ethical Li- And there is One cow- berty ; which all men have loft fo far as they arecorrupted byfan and all mho Nstagí of Liberty men have recovered, fo they f by which is a genus to both. , far as are ancîr ed Grace. This is the And he confefetit that Free-will which Grace reroreth to us. thewill ad fotem is free exercitium alerts. Habits do not determine the Will infallibly per madam nature; *Aug.deNat.& Grat.cap. Or neceftate its ail. Becaufe a man oft a teth contrary to habits. 46. Perquamabfisrdum eft 188. There are fome things which Natural Inclination infallibly or ides dicamus non perti- neread valnntatemnoftram caufeth the Will to determine it felt' to , without the lofs of its primary quad beati e((e volume, nattered liberty. quia id,amvina stalle nao p JJùmus :- nee dime 189. For all Liberty lyeth not in fueh an Indifferency as Morally may andemos ideo Drum non fall either way : But a certain NaturalLiberty isconfrftent with a confiant Palunrarem , fed neceJfra- certainty offellfdetermination exInclinatione Naturali, ass. Toa fimpie s' tern habere ugirae, quia. nonpoteft Vein peccare. Volition of our ownfelicity ; a. As to a fiample Volition Boni fenfibilra He that would fully fee ui talk'. 3. As to a volition medii unice noti abi nihilre u nat. the fente of Auguftin , q n > > p $ rrafper and Fuigeneas de 190. And yet here, I mean but quand fpecificationem aiIm For pod Libert. with lean labour, exercitisim it may be omitted. 2. I confine it to fmple Volition, which words`aPan their may confift with t Com arare Nah tion of the fame thing. ords iñ Y µl. r, en, lies p Tr ias ranum, 191. Some Habits.are fo ftrong, that (with theConcurrenceofconve- t The rond gpn4o3ritte nient objects and circumftances,) the Will Both never ait againft them; that Fiction ór compa- rare p volition is only de and though they donot abfolutely neceftate, nor take away the Natural mediis, is falfe: No one power ad contrarions,. yet do they conftantly procure that power to de- thing ;s necefiefu our termine tfelf well or ill tothem, as refembling God is refuted by according aNatural the wicked Felicity nation in Come degree.. May be refuted if potin x9a. That whichis. commonly called Liberty is the greateft excel- lick good or Gods will. lency of the will or felicityof mans Anindifferentand undetermined ftare,- Fe is a Bea e that atwould is a middle fate between that ofBrutes and Angels, and is fitted to a Pia- hilated, rather than the tors condition: But fo farésGrace andHoly Habits fix thewill to a eon- World or Kingdoms ffant certain fell- determination to Good, fo far is it Cet in Inch a Liberty tl,ould he annihilated, of excellency as. Gibieifdefcribeth, above our fiate of loofeindifferency. Bat the finple Volition lucre is Beer.ary, 193. Becaufe