and Decrees ofClod, &c. 443 mayby us, through our weaknefs and neceffity, be diftinguifhed accord- ingto its refped to diverfity of obje 1s, by inadequate conceptions : But on Char pretence to feign many needle' difirihrations, isprofane, 263. They that think it a good confutationof fcientiamedia that Näíì decreta non font futura ; therefore no futurition can be known but as Decreed, do err much in the antecedent, ( For it is falle that fanis Decreed) and are either erroneous or uncertain in the conclufion, (For God fore - knoweth fin fo far as it is intelligible.) 264. The l'enfe of thequeftion de Scientia Media, is not de conditio- vide rat. a tea. yaf" nazis neceffariis, as [ If the Sun fet, it will be night ] Nor yet of fuch áést 4.. S t.I. p. 465. conditionals as are meerly difparate, and have no kind of dependence,or connexion, as [IfPeter dye quickly, John will live long :] But of fuch conditionals, as have fume reafon of the connexion, and yet leave the will in an undetermined power to adornot. But we know no difference between thefe exparte Dei Scientis, but only denomination extrinfeca ex parte objefíi. 265. Much lets dare we conclude with them that Gods knowledge See 1l this modefily and of Conditionals is in God before his will to concurr, or that they exift; árdizumeat Dihf¢andle 1ñó For we are not acquainted with fuchpriorities and pofteriorities in God, p. i., efgecially his con- except by fuch denomination. ttufó.p.r27. And ockam I. d. 38. q. Í. Et. Greg. 266.. Methinks it is but fumbling tá fay with Pet. á S. yofeph stray. 47.113. ib. q. 2. a. 2. Et Concord. Difp. 4. p.484. A nemine dubitari gain ad cognitionem futuro- Gabr. siel ib. qe. i. a. r. rum u6 condition, nece arium fit ali uo modo decretum divinum ;cum Et Ant. cordub. :Daft. q. f > r q 55, dub. ro. ntbil ?alit effe futurum five abfolutefive fub condition; gigDeus utpri- ma Caufa out abfolute, aut fub conditione velit ad Oa coneurrere. At Seethe thort ánfwer ití the firft look this feemeth to be fpoken of the caufe of futseritibn, or of ret. a S. Mfr. soar: the knowledge of it : And if not, the Decree feemeth mentioned to no Conéord. p. 576: purpofe: For futurum tantum fub conditions is not as fuch futurum; For the condition fufpendeth the futurition : A conditional propofition de futuro is as true of that which will never come to pats as of that which will. And if they meanthat God Decreeth e.g. that pudee fhaal fin if he be foand fo tempted, it will lay the caufe of fudas" fin more on God in their own apprehenfion, than their Caufe or the Truth will bear. For if God Decree that unneceffary carafes fhall certainly effect the thing ( fin) let them take heed of theconfequence. 267. I could never fee how the Dottrine de fcientia media doth at all rennot. i.4. c 28.. faith, ferve theirturn: feeing they ufe it to thew how God knoweth that De- r.ScientiamMedáammax- b cum prebabilitate de- terminately, whichhe forefeeth but inConditionibus fine quibus non, or in fendi pe b. i. xnnt mo unnecefart' and not determining caufes. And their own anfwer fignifieth dam recent uarien s (de- nothing more to thepurpofe,"but that God can know future. contingents tretorum tam Lmmedte $ prántipatiter èr immediate by theInfiniteperfe&ion of his underftanding, which is molt true. But non inniti Scientia media, that heknoweth them ever the more for the fuppofition of circumfiancer, prtncfpalóterem a nonp° i they never prove. Therefore the doctrine of Gods knowledge of fuch tar in Dee adcenciliandam conditional propofitioni, and contingents as fo circumftantiated, feemeth orb. libertatem corn Div: decretis : fed ut Dens pro- True materially, (that Theyare the Objects of Gods knowledge;) but vide drfapientáme owner falfe efficiently as if they were anyCarafes of his knowledge, (which bath athes, maxime liberos dif-' no Caufe;) but only extrinfecal denominaters òf it in that act i And it ad p`t, ' ding`'` feemeth ufelefiand needles to theirpurpofe. 268. For Iconfefs I thinkthat we need nomore, andare capable of no mote to fatisfie us, howGod knoweth any thing Intelligible, than to fay, phis Infinite"perfeftion. Man knoweth by Reception ab extra, bút fo doth not God. And if the Queft. How doth God know this, fuppofe ex- trinfick efficiency or reception, it is blafphemous l And I confefs I hear men difpute How God knoweth ? with horrour as I hear_ men curte and G 2 (wear