Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Decreesof god, &c. 45 SECT. XIII. ofGods wi landDecreesinGeneral. j 274 ¡-NOds Decrees de fattens and his will deprefentibua are in thelri- felves the fame, lave as to the extrí.nfick denomination fromche divers ftate of the connoted objeuls. 275. Gods Decrees are not his worksin thémfelves confidered, but only when with his executive power, they operate ad extra : and then his knowledge andwill arc his working, being produ&ive of the effeets. 276: As in point of fimplicity Gods Ads are all One andyet many, that is, One exparte agentes as his Acts are but his Effence ; and yet many exparte effetti objecti, &bide denomination extrinfeca ; fo allo as to their Eternity Gods ACIS are all Eternal as they are his Effence, ex parte agentis ; and yet (one of them newand temporary, forre pall, forre prefetyt, Tome future, exparte deans, C1' objecti, & indi denominatione extrinfecá. 277. Yet I confers that it paffeth my underftanding to conceive hove it is, that the fame Apt is Eternal ex parte agenti!, and yet but tempo- rary ex parte patientis b stern : that God fhould from eternity do all that ever he doth ex parte (lei to create the worlds' to redeem; fanetifie, juftifie, &c. and yet that nothing fhould be done by it till lately. Which drew Ludov.. à Dola (demodo conjunfl. Concur(:par. t . e. 2.p. ao.) to fay, [ Probatur Afiionem Dei externam feu Concurfum in eau fecundo effe alumab ipfo Deo diinFtum ex natura rei, ante opus intelleltus. .Q`ia. Deus non folnm poterat nihil agere adextra, fed de facto per sternitatem nullum producebat declaim, 6. de novo incept operati inprincipio tem- poris. Igitur aCtio Dei eft omnia° diflinCla abipfo Deo : Neque dici pa- te'? atlionem quidem Dei fuiffe ab sterno, fed leftism non fuiffe nifi in tempore ; .Q.t,sia tametfa Virtus, b- Patentia agendi,&Principiumoperationis, effe pet antsquanz Cauta au agat ; tarnen Aflio effe non potefl quin Cauta vere apt & producat. Ac imporbile cft caufam vere Bgere & producers, quin effeçtzu aloques ab ea producitur & agatur. Nullos dú- ten efe¿tus producebatur à Deo ab sterno : ergo non habebat 1lflionein ab sterno (loquimur de produflione adextra er tranfeunte.) Sane non poteft 11Cä° effe fine termino & effee;íu leso. sed Aotio effentialiter ell fui termini produrti° aut confervatio, & ne concipi quidem potefl fine illo : Eftq; prorfur datiproduciionem aut confervationem ali- cujus rei, c; non dari es tual:teripfamrem; Eftq; Omnis adio intime con- junfla cum efeftu, qui per ip(am formaliter producitur, aut confertatur; net fejungi ab illa pote(!. ] And foAureoles. 278, In this alto we we mull confers that the matter quite tranfcend- eth our capacity : And as this is rafh in à Dole, to affirm fo confidently a thing above him, fo we mull not be raffi to affirm on the contrary more than is certain. But fo far as we may venture, the common way feemeth the far fafer : Becaufe God is unchangeable not only Morally, but Nate- rally. And this AEtion as diftind from the Effect, is made by him, to be neither the Creator nor a Creature, but a creating, or moving Act, between both ; which is not convenient. And as it is intelligible that God can Pelle or Decree ab sterno, mundom fieri, Petramjufliftcari, &e. in hoè tempore., fo we are not Pure that God cannot do all that Ad from Eternity, which (hall effe/} only in Time, by the concurrence of his will.. Though I confers that the cafe much differeth, between an * Im- manent All, (fuch as nuda Politio,) which loth nihil efficere, and an Efetling That Gods Peaces are not tea be taken for a thing pail and ceafed, but as a thing fill doinngg - rennet. li.q: C. 24. think eth is the bell notion to reconcile them with li- berty. But ab extrinfeco en connotative they mull be denominated pall though without change in God. Of this Dr. Twiffe bath animadvert- ed. "Ego quidem feten no- firam libertaron cum Va- luntate Dei facilites cocci- liari juxta carom fenten- tiam qui dicuut , shun volenti da intelligenti non effe opeíationem im. nianntem dietm i efut - tea 5 gram le diramareffe atium quendam liberan elicitam e ntroque tamia modaèonandum. r Tho. q. 23. d. 99. C.2. And if this will make it eafe,ealiieit mutt be : For Gods free Volitions and knowledge of things ex- trinftck are commonly fail to be no real addi- tions to his effence, but dam unte,, f:mplex, immu rabillo, plata, dr nota- bilia fcit, malt, fait, his will and underilanding are denominatedby rely-. tion and connotation a, various from the various objeas.