Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

:DireElions for Lmvyerr. 39 ----------------------------------------------------~~ CHAP. IV. flire/Jions to Lawyers abollt their 'Duty to God. GEntlemen, you ~ccd not ~eet the.fe Directions with-the ufual ccnfures or fufpicions, th.!t Divines are bufymg themfelvcs wtth the matters of your Calling , which belong not to them, and which they do not underfiand : You Chall fee that I will as much forbear fuch matters as you can well defire. If youi Calling be no< to be[an{lijird by Cerving God in it, and regulating it by hi~ Law, it is then neither honourable nor def.inble. But if it be, permit me very le~um mihi bridly fo far to Dm:d: you. ~l::se~ f~t~;- rum ufu5ho– minum nequitia depr:I.V•tur : Itaque piguit perdifcere , quo inhonefte uti nollem, & bonefie vix poffem, etli vellem. Pttra;'h. in vi,ta fua. 9· ,. Direct. r. 1ak< tbt ,.,bolt framtofPolit~ tog<tiJ<r, and ftudy <acb part in its proper placr, and Dire{/. r. k,.~tow it in iu due relation to the re~! tbt~t ~' Vnd~rftand firft the Dotlrine· of Polity t~nd LawJ in ge. nere, tmd next the Vnivcrfal Polity tJnd Lawr ofGod in fpecie ; and lhtn fturly Humane Polity and · Lan>t 41 rbeJ. j!and in tbtic due fubordination to th< Polity and Laws ofGod, at tht by·Laws ofCorpor:stiom rlo lo1 the GenLral L~rvs ofthe Land. §. 2. He that undcrHandeth not what Polity and Law is in genert, is unlike to underfiand what Divine 01 Humane Polity or Law is in [pecie : H~ that knoweth not what Government is, and What a community, and what a politick fociety is; will hardly know what a Common~wealth or Church is: And he that knaweth not what a Common~wealch is in genere, what is ics End, and what its conllimtive parts, and what the dficicot cauf.:s, and what a Law, and Judgement, and Exc~ution is, will Uudy bM unhappily the Conftitution or Laws of th( Kingdomwhich he livc:th in. §. 3· 2· And he that undcrlt.mdeth not the Divi>te Dominium& Imperium as founded in Crtatio# ( and refoundcd in Redemption ), and mms fubj ttiori w his Abfolute Lflrd , and the 'Vnivtr{al ·Laws which he hath given in Na1ure and Scripture to the world, Cd.O never have any true:: under· fia11ding of the Polity or Laws of an) Kingdom in puticular: No more th.m he can well under– fiand the true !late of a Corporation. or the power of a Mt.~yor, or J.u(lice, or Con~ahle, who knowe~h nochirg of the: ltate of the l}.ingdoll\,, or of the Ki~g, or ot his Laws. What ridicu– lous d1fcourfcs would fuch a man maRe of h1s Local Polity or Laws ? He knoweth nothing worth the knowing, who knoweth not that all Kings and Srarcs have:: no power but what is derived fi-om God, and fub(ervknt to him ; and are all his Offi~ers , much more bdow him than their Juitices ·and Officets are to them; a11d that their Laws are 01 no force againfi rh~ Laws of God , whether of Natural or Supernatural Revelation. Ancltt therdore it is moft eafie to fee, that he that will be a good Lawytr, mull tir!i be a Divint, And that the Atheifls that deride or flight o ,vinity , do but plly the fools in all their independent broken iludies. A man may be a good Divine, that is no· L~wycr, but he cail be no good Lawyer, th:u un – derfiandc:!h not Theology. Therefore let the Gevernmtnt and La~-,s of God, hn(; the tiril and chiefd\ place in your Hudics, and in all your Obfervation and regard. J, Becaufc it is the Ground of Hnmanc Government, and rhe Fountain of mans Power and L1ws:. 2. Bccaufe the Divine Polity is alfo the End of Humane Policy : Mans L~ws being ultim1tcly to promote our Obedience to the Laws of God, and the honour of his Government. 3. Becaufe Gods Laws are the meafure and bom:ds ofHum.2ne Law1 ; againfi which no man can have power. 4· ~ecaufe Gocis Rewards and Punilllments are incomparably more regardable than mans: Eter~ Male fe re.:. nal joy or mifery being fo much more confulerable than te~poral peace or [uffering : Therefore au~~~~~~~~ though it he a difhonour to L1wyers to be ignorant of Languages, Hiliory and other needful parts ?umm:r: nfti~ of Learning, yet it is much more their difhonour to be ignorant of the Univerfal Government and tudinis igao· Laws ofGod. rat, Ambr~[. ~· 4• Direct. 2· Be fure t!Jal ~ou ma~e not lbt getting of money to bt your ·ptincipal tnd, in tht 1D?ffiQ txrrci[e of your funllion \ hut th< promoting p!Juftice, for the righti11g of th< juft, and the puhlicll, 1,';~ ·,~·ill , time when Ptt~.Bk{.faid [Officium officialium eA: hodie jur:a confundere. lites fufcit:are, tr:mT.:tl:ion:s ref~indere, dilationesinnetlere,fupprimerc. 't'c.t:ttatem) fovere mendacium, quoefium fequi, :rquitatem ,·cndere, inhiare attiombus, verfuti~ ~;oncinnare.] Fffffff 2 g"a;