1JireEiio11s for Laillyers. gffad; tu:d therein tbt plcafing of tbe mojt righuom God. f or your war~ can be to you no het· rer that~ your End. A bale end doth deb.~.fe your work.. I dc~y ~or, but yol!r competent gain and mamtcnance m.ay be your lo~rr ~nd, but the promotmg of JUftlc.t mufi be your higher end, and fought before It. The qudhon IS not, Whether you feek to live by your Calling; for fo may the befr: nor yet Whether you intend the promoJing of Jujtict , for fo may rhe worft (in fume _degree). But the que"fi:ion is? Which o.f thefe you pr_efcr l and which you firft and princi– p.;Uy tntt:lld ? He that loniH:th chtdly at hts worldly gam, mutt take that gain inHead of GodJ reward, and looJt for no more than he chiefly intended : For that is form11ly no Good work, which is not mtended chiefly to plcafe God: And God doth not Reward the fcrvants of the world : Nor can :.ny man rationally imagine, that he fbould reward a man with happinefs hereafter, for feeking after Riches here. And if you fay, that you look for no Reward but Riches, you mull loo~ Jor a Pu11ijhmcnt worfe than Poverty: For d;te Otgltfring of God and your V!Jimate E1td,. is a fin th:It dcfi..rvt:th the privation of all which you neglect ; and leavcth not your actions in a f\arc of innocent indiffcrc:ncy. • §. 5· DireCt. 3· Be nol Cou4flllri or Advoc:JtCJ againft God, that il, .sg-inft Jufiice, 1ruth or In1:occnc)'· A bad caufe would have no ,Patrons, if there were no batJ or ignorant Lawyers. Its a DirriJ. 3 • dear bought !Cc,_ which is got by !Inning; efpecially by fuch a wilful a1;gravated fin , as the deli– berate piLading for iniquity, or oppofing of the Truth. Judar hi• gain and Aohitophels counfcl will be too hot at lafi for confcience; and fooner drive them to hang thcmfelves in the review, Bias fertur i11 than afford them any true content; As Sr. James faith to them that he .calleth to wup and bowl, cluG1 om~· for their approaching mifery, Your Richu are corrupted., and yonr garmentr moth·eaten, your Gold ~.s!eu~~h~~ and Silver i1 c&r.k_frtd, and the rujl of them jhaU bt a Jt'itnefs againft you, aud Jh•ll eat yoiiY' jlejb n~'!n.iflimm M it wert. firt : ye luzve heaped treafure tngether for the lt~.jl daytJ. What ever you fay or do fuifl£-, bom.m againfl truth, and innoccncy, and jufiice, you do it againfl God himfelf. And is it not a fad cafe that umen in. among profdftd Chtiflians, there is no caufe fo bad but.can find an Advocatt for a fee ? I fpcak p:ar~m. ehnot a~ainfi jujl cou~t{c..l to a man that hath a bAd caufe (to tell him it is bad, and perfwade him ~~~aeVI~li:A- to difownl it ) : Nor 1 Cjxak not againll you for pleading againH exct[five penaltiu or damager; tum.. L1wti· :For fo far your caufe il' good, though the main cmtfe of your Clien~ was bvd: .But he: ' that Jpeak– m p. B · eth or counfeUctb another for the defence: of fin , or the wrongmg of the: tnnoccnt , or the ~~~~:5 ;,~p- ~efrauding another of h~s right , and wi1l open his mouth to t~e inju~y of the. jufi, for a ccr juHniarl'l IHtle money, or for a fnend ., mufi try whether that money or frund Will fa.ve h1m from the clibgcre ~no~ vengeance: of the Univer(il Judge ( unlcfs faith and nue repentance which will caufe Confiffion and autcm Jufh- Rrftitution, do prevent it ). · tiam propter . homines ooft· ponere: Gngvt. R£t;. Jufii,i.:t non novit pltrem, vel matrem: Veritatem no~it: perfoa310 uon novic': Deum imitatur-– ca(/iaJJ. Pit~t;lrcb f01ith, that CaUitratid:rs being oflCred a great fumm of m.oncr, ( of which he h1d gre2t need to pa.y hi~ Seamtn) if he would do an unjuA aCt, rdyf~d ; To whom faith Ckamkr hisCounfellor , Ego pr~[t{lD iJOC acupijftm, fi fuiffim Calli– cratidas; He 1nfwered, E!o ttcctpiffim fi fuiffomC!c3,nder. ' The Romani calle~ them Thieves, that by fraud, or plc-, or judgement got unlal'tful gain, and deprived others of their right. LompridiM faith of A.ltxander Stvenu, 1anti eum ftomachi fuijfe in tos judices qui furtor•m {11 .. ma laboraffint, eti11mji Jamnati non effint, ut fi eos cafu aliquo vitleret , commotione animi ftomachi choleram evomeret, toto vsltu inllrdefcente, ita ttt nihil poffet Joq«i· And afterwards , Sevcriffimus jttdcx contra fures, apptUam eofiiem quotidianorum fcelerum rtos, & folos hojfu inimicn[que rtipuh– Jic.t. Adding this inf\._ance, Eum notarium, qui falfum caufe brevem iN confilio ·imperiltori~ retulif fit 1 incifis digitorum nervis , ita ut nunquam poffet fcribere, deportaWt. A.nd that he caufed Tu· rimu one of his Courtiers to be tyed in the Markct.placc to a llake, and choaked to death with fmoak , for taking mens money.on pretence of furthcriog their fuits with the Er11perour ; Pr.tcont Jicente, Fumo punitur, qui vendidit fumum. He ftri~Hy prohibited buying ofOffices, fay– ing, Ntct!Je eft ut qui emit, venelat : Ego vero non patiar mercatoru poteftatsm : q11os fi patiar, damnare noli poffum. The frowns or favour of man, or the love of money , will prove at ]aft a Facile efi ju- poor dcfen<e againll his Jullice whom by injullice you offend. ~tj~~~~~~J· The Peet could fay, defcndeJe. [ J•.fhun & ttnacem propojili virum, Non civi•m ardor pravJJ jubentium Non vHitus infta,tit tyraHni, Mentt quotit folida: ---Horat. ] But if m<n would firll be ju]!, it would not be fo hard to bring them to do jQ!lly: Saith PI•"'"'' [ J•J!• •utem ab inju]!w petere injipitnlia f/1 : ~ippe iUi iniqui jU< ignoranl ntq; ttnent ].