'DireEfions to Lawyers. ~· 6. DireCl. 4· Mak,_e the Ci;ufe of the iHHtJCeHt, (11 it JfJtrt your O'R'H ; and fo.ffer it not te mi_f Dire[/. 4carry througb your jlothfulmf: and '1/eglc{i• . He is a lover ?f money more than juftiee , that will fwcar in rhe caufe of rhe R•ah rbar pay h1m wdl, aud w11l flubber over and . llarYe rhe caufe of 1hc poor, f:lecaufc he gettcth little by them. What ever your place ohligeth you to do, .let i't Vix poteft be done diligently and with your might : both in your getting abilities, and in ufing them. aegl~gere, 9ui Sc.ev~la .was wont t~ fJy, ( ~tt t;b. Pa1zdea. ~p· ~it•. ~efer.) [ Jur civile vigil~ntibur fcriptum eft non ~0;1~ zn~"c1}:: dmmwtzbuJ ]. Salfh Atljlzn , [ Igmrantta ptdtcu plerumque eft ca/amitar innocentir. J And as cile crroris you look cvr.ry Labourer that you hire lhould be laborious in your work, and your Phyficion vitiofordefc~t, thould be d_iligent in his employment for your health ; fo is it as jut\ that you be dili- quem doth~~ gent. for. them whofe caufc you undertake, and where God who is the Lover of }ufi:icc doth ~~~d~r~vcrtt. rcqmre Jr. §· 7· Direct. 5· Beacquainted with tht trmfl:ztio1U which m1J cml111tger yrJU i;t your place, and Dirtll. 5· go cr,ntimta!) ilrmcd flt.ainjt shcm n1 itb the tme rcmcdits, anr.l with Chrijlian f aith, and wa~chful· ,ajj and rcf iJimio;;. You will keep your innoccocy, and confcquently your God, if you fee to ir rh:!t )·ou }O\'C nodting better than that which you 010uld keep. No man will chaffer awaf his comm"dity for any thing which he judge!l1 10 be >f>orfe and iefi ufiful to him. Know well how linle fr ie:.nds or wealth will do for you in compuifon of God, and you will not hear 1t1tm when rhcy fpeak againfi God, ( Luf<i '4· 26. '7· 33·) Whon one of his friends was impmnmarc wi1h P. Rutilizu to do him an unjufi courtefic, and angrily faid, [ JYbat H[t ltave I h"lo . J of tb)' friendjhip, if tbo~ wilt n9t grant my requej! 1] he anfwercd him, [ And what u/e h•ve I of~i ;. ~'/'thy fricndfhip, if for th.Y ftJke I umjt be 1erged to do u;tpiflly ]? It IS a grave f•ying ofPlutilrch 1 (mibi)iaith; Pulcbtum quidcm cjf ju}fiti~ regnttm ~dipi{ci ; pulcbrum etirJm regno jujlitiam anreponcre : Nam vir- Sibi '!on :ne nu alrrr:mz it:z iliujlrcm rcddidit, ut rtgno digifuJ judicareutr; alterum ita magnum ut id contemne· confc1.um _m rir. Plur. in L)•cttrg. & Nmna. But fpccially remember who ~ath faid.' What jhaU. it profit a ~::ti~~~~ni~; man to n·in all the rvorld 1 and lofe bit foul.? Aud that Tt:mptowons furpnze you not, be deli~ una tamen re berate and (:J.\~e time, <!nd be not too hafiy in owning or oppofing a caufe or perfon\ till fe mo9icc you arc ~veil inf<H~c.d : Ac; s(.;JtC.~ faith of Ang~r) JO. f~y I here) Di~ndum fcmper eft tem: ~~~;er;:m~l;od puf : Verrtattm cmm dut a~rzt. Pvtrft pa:Jt.a d&l.zta tx1gz ; cum non P.ott{l tx~aa revocarz. Inter amicos lrs more than a fh1m~ to Ly, I w;;.s mtfiakcn, when you have done another m.m wrong, by illi judican– your temerity. dun1 c!Ter, nequc cor.tra _ jus agere a:i<JU:J nl!ct 1 rrrfu~fcrir amico jll(licium :l fe p~O\'OC:lrct, lit fie nittlintm UtrUtrque & legem &. :tmJcum fen•aret. This was his iuju!l!cc d w~;ch. we rtp,r:tctl. ':.;:.t: CHAP.