1\_eafonf for forgillillg others. give a'tinner : lf you f~y, Yta, you condemn, yea, and contrad,iC£ your [elves ! While you f.iy you would have: God forg1ve him, and yet your fclvts will not forgive him: ( I fpeak not of neceffary Correllitm bur Revm;.e ). 57 ~· 8. Confid. 2. Confider alfo that you have much more your felvts tv be forgiven by God, or ynu C d are un4rJitt for ever! There is no compnifon between other mens offences again{\ you , and your ofonji · 2 ' fences a~inll God, either for rhc number of them, or the grtatnefi, or the dt{trt. Dolt rhou owe ro God rcn thoufand talems, and wilr thou lay hold on thy Brother for an hundred pence? See then thy doom, Matth. 18. 34· The tormenter! fhlll cxad: thy debt ro God. Doth it befeem that man m aggravate or revenge his little injuries, who deferverh damnation, and forfcircrh his foul every day and hour ? And bath no hope of his own falvation , but by the free forg!venefs of all his fins? 9· 9 Conlid. 3· Eizbtr tbott art thy felf a mcm.bcr nfChrift or not ! Tf not, thou' art yet undtt the Confid. 3 • g11ilt of aD 1he fim tha ever thou did/f commit. And d,Hh ir befecm that man to be fc.:vcre and re~ vengttul agair.ll orhers, thar rnult tor ever be damned for his own tranfgrdTions, if a fpeedy convcdi.on do not prevent ir ? Sure you have tomewhat elfc w think on, than of your petty injurie; from r.1en 1 But if thou be indeed a member of Chrill, thy fins are all pirdoned by the price of thy Red(;tmers blood ! And cardl thou feel rhe fwecrnefs of fo great a mercy, and not feel a firong obligation on thee , ro forgiv:c rhy Brother ? Mu!t Chrifl be a Sacritice for thy offCnccs? And rnufi thy Brother, who of[ndtd thee, bt: f.1criticed to thy wrath? 9. IO· Conlid. +· Thou art not forgium of G~d, if thou doft 1tot forgive. For, t. If ever the Lovt of Confid. 4 • God, and the blood of Chri!t had come in power upon rhy heart~ they would undoubtedly have caufcd fhce ro forgive thy Brother! 2. Yea, God hatb made thy forgiving other1, to be a condition, without which he will not fir..:lly or plenarily forgive thee. Thou haH no warrant to pray or hope for par· don upon any lower turns: but [ Forgim rer o:tr trr{p.tJJn, aJ we fergive tbcm tbt tri{p3jf ag.Jinft m: Fur if yefl)rgive ;tot mwtbei1· tn{paffu, ~eith{r will 'JOUr Father forgiVl )'Our trtfp.ljJes, Mltch. 6. I+, 15· Lik,.e-aife ( fdi(h Chrifr ) jh.J!I my heavmly Father d~ alfo t~nto you (even deliver you to the rorme':turs) if from ymr bt'artlye forgive nut £wry one bi1 Brother their trefpa.ffu : Marth. I 8! 35· For he jiMll have judgement without mercy that b:ttiJ {hewed no mercy, and mercy rejoyceth llgainjt judge~ ment, ]Jmts 2· I3·] 9, 1 r. Confid. 5· Remember alfo rhaqrou b.Jve need of forgi::eneji from other1 , as welt a1 they Conjid. 5 • have med of it from you. Have y0u wronged r.one! Have you provoked none! Have you not p.lllions which mufi be p1rdoned? And a na'ture ·which mufl be.: born with? Ctn fa corrupt a creature as man is, be no annoyance to theft: he 1iveth with? Sure all the fins which burden your felf, and difpleafe the Lord, mull needs be feme trouble m all about you: And he that needethpardon, is obliged the more to pardon others. ~· 12: ~o~fid. 6. NJ.y, it i1 the unbappin.e(s of all ~a.nk,Jud, that their corrupt~omwill in forue mea· Confid. 6. Jure l~c zn;ur:o1t1 to all that they have tQdowuh ; and 1t ts Impoffible for fuch dJ!tempt:red finners ro live togerher, and not by their mifiakcs, or feltillmefs, or plffions, to exercife the patience and for– beumce of each other. Therefore you mufi either be maJitiolll and revengeful againlt all mankind, or .tlfe again!\ none on fuch accounts as are common to all. 9· 13· Obferve or;Jfo how eafily yore can forgive )'OUr felvet, though you do a tboufund fold more ag.,inft Conjid. 7 . yoW" felvesl than ever a11y enemy did. It is not their wrongs or offences againfl yott, that you are in any danger of bt:ing damned for; You {lull r.m fuffer for tbeir Jim, but for your own! In the day of judgement, iris not your fuff~rings from others, but your own offences againll God that will be charged upon you: and if ever you be undone, it will be by rhcfc! Men or D::vils can ncv~r do that af;ainll you, which by every fin you do againfl: your fdvcs 1. No robber, no opfm:ffor, no perfccutor, no deceiver, can ever hurt you fo much as you hurt your (elves: A,nd yet how gently do you take it ar your own hands ? How eafily do you pardon it to your felves? How lovingly do you 1hink of your [elves? So f:lr are you from malice or revenge againft your fclvcs, that you can (carcc: endure to hear plainly of your fins? But are more enclined to bear mallet' againfi thofc thlt do reprove you. Judge whether rhis be equal dealing? and loving your neighbours as your felves? ~· 14· Confid. 8. Confider how gre:Jt If. crime it i1, }or a I.Yorm to zefurp the autherity ofGod, llJJd C9Hjid. S. ccn{ttre him for not doing juftice, and to pre{ume to amicip:~te hi1 judge:-nenr, and take the Sword at it were out of hi1 bandJ : aJ all do that will be their orPn avenger I. It is the Magifinte and not you that bean: rh tht.: Sword of publick Juflice; and what he cloth not, God will do in his rime aod way : Dearly beloved, avenge not yourJclvu, but rather give place unto w.rath: for it i1 written, Veng,e.znce if mint, I will repay, faith the Lord. 1her:efore ifthine enemy hunger fudhim; if betbiifl give bimdri11k_: For in fo dDiNg thou jhalt htilp coals of fire on hi1 head. Be not overcome of evil ( that is, the tvi( that is done againfi you ) bm overcome e·vil rritb good: Rom. 12· 19, 20, 21. He that becomerh a Re– venger for himfelf, doth by his adions as it were fay to God , Thou art unjufl:, and doll not do me jufiice, and 1hcrcfore I will do i1 for my fclf. And fh•ll fuch an impatient blafpheming A1hcill go unpumfhed. 9· 15. Confid. 9· Con_fidcr bP.' mu~b fitter God is tba11 you, to :x~cstte r~venge and juflice on your Conjid. 9 • · rncmin He hath 1he h1ghefl.auth~nty~ and you have none; He ts tmparual and mott JU!t, and you arc unrighteous aud perverted by {eltiflmefs and putialiry. He is Eternal and Omnifciem, and fetrh to rhe Lnd, and what will be the conlequent; and thcr~fore knoweth the fittcf\ feafon and degree : Bur you are fl1ort fighred crcJtures, that fee no further than the prdtnt day, and know not what will be eo morrow ; and therefore may be ignorant of an hundred things, which would flop you and change